Everyone has a worldview yet not everyone has a biblical worldview. A biblical worldview helps you navigate through life generally but also in academic endeavors and professional life. Therefore, biblical worldview understanding assists you now and prepares you for future experience and calling including in a school setting.
By developing a Biblical Worldview Paper, you will be able to convey an understanding of what is meant by a biblical worldview. You will be able to support this understanding from the Bible and scholarly professional literature. You will be able to apply biblical worldview principles to educational practice. Finally, you will be able to articulate key components of a Christian philosophy of education applicable to a school setting.

The Biblical Worldview Paper you write has the following requirements:
• Write a 3-4-page paper that conveys what is meant by a biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education. Furthermore, you will discuss the implications of these principles in their application to educational practice.
• Page length requirements begin with the introductory paragraph and end with the conclusion; it includes neither the title page nor reference page in the page count however both a title and reference page should be included as part of the paper submission.
• In addition to the Bible, cite a minimum of four scholarly references that represent the body of literature supporting and explaining biblical worldview and Christian philosophy of education.

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A biblical worldview is a way of understanding the world that is based on the teachings of the Bible. It is a comprehensive framework for interpreting reality and making decisions. A biblical worldview begins with the belief that God is the creator and sustainer of all things. It also teaches that God is holy, just, and loving.

The Bible provides us with a number of key principles that can help us to develop a biblical worldview. These principles include:

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  • God is the creator and sustainer of all things. (Genesis 1:1-2)
  • God is holy, just, and loving. (1 John 1:5; Deuteronomy 32:4; 1 John 4:8)
  • Human beings are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)
  • Sin has separated us from God. (Romans 3:23)
  • Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. (Acts 4:12)
  • The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a godly life. (Galatians 5:22-23)

A Christian Philosophy of Education

A Christian philosophy of education is based on the belief that all truth is ultimately God’s truth. It teaches that the purpose of education is to help students grow in their knowledge of God and to develop a Christian worldview.

A Christian philosophy of education emphasizes the importance of the following:

  • Academic excellence: Students should be challenged to learn and to achieve their full potential academically.
  • Character development: Students should be taught to develop Christian character traits such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and service.
  • Spiritual growth: Students should be given opportunities to grow in their relationship with God and to learn about the Bible.

Implications for Educational Practice

A biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education have a number of implications for educational practice. Here are a few examples:

  • Teachers should be role models of Christian character.
  • The curriculum should be integrated with Christian values and principles.
  • Students should be encouraged to ask questions and to think critically about the world around them.
  • Prayer and Bible study should be incorporated into the classroom.
  • Students should be given opportunities to serve others.

Key Components of a Christian Philosophy of Education Applicable to a School Setting

Here are some key components of a Christian philosophy of education that are applicable to a school setting:

  • A biblical foundation: The school should be based on the teachings of the Bible.
  • A focus on academic excellence: The school should provide a challenging academic program that prepares students for college and/or careers.
  • A commitment to character development: The school should teach students to develop Christian character traits such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and service.
  • A focus on spiritual growth: The school should provide opportunities for students to grow in their relationship with God and to learn about the Bible.
  • A commitment to diversity and inclusion: The school should welcome students from all backgrounds and religions.


A biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education can provide a valuable foundation for educational practice. By following the principles of a biblical worldview, schools can help students to develop academically, spiritually, and morally.


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