you can choose your own topic
Topic: you can choose your own topic
Order Description
Module: cultural policy:
Your project should consist of a detailed discussion of an example, theme, set of debates, etc. relevant to the module. Word limit: 2,500 words.
Guidance for the project:
The topics covered in Blocks 2 and 3 will hopefully provide you with some pointers towards the sort of areas you might explore, but don’t feel that you are limited to those topics alone. Ideally, your project will explore a particular example, theme or set of debates in a manner which allows you to interrogate some of the issues examined on the module, and/or to apply some of the ideas encountered to your chosen topic. You might look, then, at regeneration programmes in a particular city, or cultural policy developments in a certain urban area or region. You might look at a particular arts centre, gallery or museum and explore ways in which issues of access, say, or social exclusion, are of relevance to it. You might explore a particular aspect of media policy. You might examine a local, national or international event, either from the present or the past, which allows you to examine issues around identity, funding, cultural value, etc. In the past few years, for example, students have done a range of projects on Nottingham (questions of urban regeneration; the new Market Square development; the Lace Market, etc.), as well as exploring cultural policy/urban regeneration issues in their home towns (Manchester, Milton Keynes, Ipswich, Portsmouth, Gateshead). Some have looked at particular events (the Beijing Olympics; Glasgow as European City of Culture; Liverpool as Capital of Culture), while others explored one-off developments (e.g. Wembley stadium). We hope that you can find a topic which enthuses you, and which allows you to take forward debates about cultural policy in an interesting manner.
In terms of the structure of your project, it is advisable to identify quite early on in your discussion the key questions or issues you are going to explore (two or three key questions or issues is probably optimum). While you may want to structure your discussion in the form of a single, ongoing argument, do feel free to organise your analysis with sub-headings if you prefer (indeed, in many ways we would encourage you to use this sort of format, where you break your project down into different sections). We would also encourage you to identify some primary sources (e.g. official websites, policy documents, newspaper articles, etc.) where appropriate, and to offer some discussion of those materials as you proceed.
Overall, in the course of your project you should demonstrate the ability to provide a detailed, theoretically informed and critically sensitive analysis of your chosen topic (see the module learning outcomes). If you have any uncertainty about what you should be doing, or of how to proceed with a particular topic, then do make use of the tutorial support available to you. As well as regular office hours, staff will be available in the weeks after Easter for the purposes of tutorial assistance. Successful examples of a project will be posted on NOW.
here is my tutors coment:
My advice would be that you look at your lecture notes and at the slides for the relevant parts of block 3 of the module in particular, and that you make use of the guidance that we have already issued about the project. Then, once you have a clearer idea of how you wish to proceed with your project, you make use of office hours either with me or Steve in order to discuss it further.