Write a short reflection (approx. 500) on how we might be able to acknowledge and address the effects of residential schools, the Indian reserve system and the unbalanced treatment of Aboriginal people in historical and contemporary texts

Write a short reflection (approx. 500) on how we might be able to acknowledge and address the effects of residential schools, the Indian reserve system and the unbalanced treatment of Aboriginal people in historical and contemporary texts

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Aboriginal education—The past and present (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. (2011, October 7). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhXziTN9fio

Examining Aboriginal rights and education (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. (2011, August 26). George Stroumboulopolous Tonight. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cbc.ca/strombo/canada/examining-aboriginal-rights-and-educati… (Links to an external site.)

Chartrand, R. (2010). Anishinaabe pedagogy: Deconstructing the notion of Aboriginal education by illuminating local Anishinaabe pedagogy (Links to an external site.). In B. McMIllan (Ed.), . Prince George, BC: Urban Aboriginal Economic Development National Network. Retrieved from http://abdc.bc.ca/uaed

Redford, J. (1979). Attendance at Indian residential schools in British Columbia, 1890–1920. BC Studies, 44, 41–56. Retrieved from http://www.bcstudies.com/

White, J.P., & Beavon, D. (2009). Understanding the current situation. In J. P. White, D. Beavon, J. Peters, & N. Spence (eds.), Aboriginal education: Current crisis and future alternatives (pp. 3-11). Toronto, ON: Thompson.


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