Write A Memo To Your CEO

Suppose your company is thinking about venturing into new uncharted territory. Write a memo to your CEO using the above reference to convince him whether or not to invest in that venture. The new ‘territory’ may be expanding the current product line into a foreign country or a completely new product/service in your existing location.

use this link http://econpapers.repec.org/article/paljintbs/ 2007, vol. 38, issue 2, pages 215-230

You will need to perform to following steps in your memo:

Describe the venture.
Describe the pros and cons of undertaking the venture using techniques from the above paper.
Describe using Real Option Analysis how the company may undertake a course of action that alters the present value of the cash-flows from a real physical asset (creativity is encouraged).

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Sample Answer



To: CEO From: [Your Name] Date: 2023-10-05 Subject: Venture into New Territory

Venture Description

I am writing to propose that our company venture into new territory. Specifically, I am proposing that we expand our current product line into a foreign country.

Our company currently sells a line of sustainable clothing products in the United States. We have been successful in this market, and we believe that there is a growing demand for our products in other countries.

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Pros and Cons

There are a number of pros and cons to expanding our product line into a foreign country.


  • Increased market share: Expanding into a new country would give us access to a new market and allow us to increase our market share.
  • Increased revenue: Expanding into a new country would also allow us to increase our revenue.
  • Diversification: Expanding into a new country would diversify our revenue stream and reduce our risk exposure.


  • Increased costs: Expanding into a new country would increase our costs, including the costs of market research, product adaptation, and marketing.
  • Increased complexity: Expanding into a new country would increase the complexity of our operations. We would need to learn about the new market, comply with local regulations, and manage a new supply chain.
  • Political and economic risk: Expanding into a new country would also expose us to new political and economic risks.

Real Options Analysis

Real options analysis is a financial framework that can be used to evaluate the value of investments under uncertainty. It can be used to model the decision of whether or not to expand into a new country.

One way to use real options analysis to evaluate this decision is to consider the option to delay the expansion. This option would give us the opportunity to learn more about the new market and to assess the risks and rewards of expansion.

Another way to use real options analysis to evaluate this decision is to consider the option to stage the expansion. This would allow us to start small and to gradually increase our investment in the new market as we learn more about it and as we become more confident in the success of the expansion.


I believe that the benefits of expanding our product line into a foreign country outweigh the risks. I recommend that we pursue this venture, but that we do so in a way that mitigates the risks.

One way to mitigate the risks is to use real options analysis to structure the expansion. This will allow us to delay the expansion or to stage the expansion, depending on the information that we learn and the risks that we assess.

I would be happy to discuss this proposal with you further at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Additional Thoughts

In addition to the pros and cons listed above, there are a few other things to consider when deciding whether or not to expand into a foreign country.

  • Market research: It is important to conduct thorough market research to understand the new market and to identify the opportunities and challenges that exist.
  • Product adaptation: It may be necessary to adapt your products to meet the needs of the new market.
  • Marketing: You will need to develop a marketing strategy to reach your target customers in the new market.
  • Compliance: You will need to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the new market.
  • Risk management: You will need to develop a risk management plan to mitigate the risks associated with expanding into a new country.

By carefully considering all of these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to expand your product line into a foreign country.


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