Write a journal article as a short communication

Write a journal article as a short communication


This assessment task aims to develop your ability and skills to:

ULO1:     Describe the principles and methods of dietary intake, physical activity and anthropometric assessments.
ULO2:     Critically evaluate the methods of dietary intake, physical activity and anthropometric assessments.
ULO3:     Perform dietary intake assessment methods using appropriate Australian food composition databases and nutrient analysis software.
ULO4:     Interpret the dietary intake, physical activity and anthropometric assessment data making comparisons against population recommendations and norms.
ULO5:     Report and communicate dietary intake, physical activity and anthropometric assessment data, your critical evaluation and interpretation using appropriate, discipline specific language, references, and presentation.

–    Your task for this written assignment is to prepare a ‘Short communication’ (journal article) presenting the class results
–    During the trimester you will be given access to an online data entry page. On this page you will enter your individual data collected from. The unit chair will then collate this data and provide you with the class results as an excel spreadsheet. You will use the results from this spreadsheet to write your assignment.
–    Your assignment should demonstrate a strong understanding of the nutrition, physical activity and anthropometric assessment techniques and their strengths and limitations.
–    You should present your work in the format of a journal article written as a ‘Short Communication’ providing concise interpretation of the results, with reference to the published literature.
–    An example of a short communication has been provided to you in the assignment folder on C.

Word Limit
1,500 words excluding title, tables, figures, reference list, and appendices.
There is no +10% allowance in the word count, any words after the 1500 word limit will not be marked.

–    You must submit the assignment in word format not in pdf.
–    Word count must be provided on the cover sheet.
–    Your assignment is a journal article therefore you need to follow set formatting instructions given below:
•    Font: Calibri, Times or Times New Roman are the recommended text fonts. Use 12-point font.
•    Line spacing: Use 1.5 line spacing.
•    Page numbers: Place page numbers in the top right corner.
•    Page adjustment: Text should be left-hand side adjusted or justified.
•    Margins: at least 2.5 cm

Your short communication must include the following sections:

Title    Include an informative title
Introduction    –    Clearly and concisely summarise the rationale and background for your study, giving only strictly pertinent references (the introduction section is not meant to be an exhaustive review of the literature).
–    Clearly state the overall aim of your study (usually last sentence of the introduction).
–    DO NOT include methods, data, results, or conclusions from the work being reported.
Participants and methods    –    Describe your selection of participants (who were your participants?).
–    Describe the methods and procedures for each practical component in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the results (use the Practical Manual as a starting point). Rather than describing established methods in detail, briefly describe each method and give a reference for the method.
–    Describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results. Report the numbers of observations. Specify any general-use computer programs used, including the version number and the manufacturer’s name and location. Indicate whether variables were transformed for analysis. Indicate the level of significance used in tests.
Results    –    Present your results in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and/or figures. Emphasise or summarise important observations in text.
–    Do not present specifics of data more than once and do not duplicate data from tables or figures in the text
–    Do not present data from individual participants except for very compelling reasons.
–    The Results section should include the following information (you may present your results in any format e.g. a table or figure for each required piece of information):
•    Using the 3-day food record method, present summary and descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) of the class results for energy intake; percentage energy derived from fat, carbohydrate, protein and alcohol; and micronutrient intakes
•    Present the results on proportion of the class at risk of consuming inadequate intakes of micronutrients
•    Present the group results (including means and standard deviation) comparing calcium intake using the FFQ and 3-day food record
•    Present the group results for energy intake using the 3-day food record versus energy expenditure using the 3-day physical activity diary
•    Present the group results for energy expenditure using the Active Australia Survey
•    Present the group results for BMI, waist circumference and percentage body fat (using the skinfold equations and bioelectrical impedance methods)

Discussion    –    Concisely state the study’s major findings.

–    Do not repeat in detail data or other material given in the Introduction or Results.

–    Explain the meaning and importance of the findings. Relate the findings to those of similar studies.

–    Acknowledge the study’s limitations.

–    Your Discussion section should also include the following:
a)    Discuss how the dietary, physical activity and anthropometric data compare with Australian recommendations or guidelines and Australian population trends.  Comment on any reasons that may explain why the class data met or did not meet these recommendations. Comment on any reasons that may explain differences in prevalence estimates.
•    Diet recommendations: the Nutrient Reference Values and 2013 Dietary Guidelines; norms: the 2011-12 Australian Health Survey data.
•    Physical activity recommendations: the National Physical Activity Recommendations by Department of Health; norms: 2011-12 Australian Health Survey data.
•    Anthropometric data recommendations: NHMRC 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines; norms: the 2011-12 Australian Health Survey data and McDowell et al 2008 Anthropometric reference data for children and adults: United States, 2003-2006.

b)    Discuss the energy intake and expenditure results. Do the results indicate positive or negative energy balance?  What would be the consequences on health if this population group continued in a state of positive or negative energy balance in the long term?

c)    For each of the following methods of assessment, comment on any similarities or differences between the outcomes measured (dot points below). Discuss reasons for any  observed differences and the effect on interpretation of the results:
•    Estimating calcium intake via a 3-day food record and a short FFQ
•    Estimating energy expenditure via a 3-day physical activity diary and the Active Australia Survey
•    Estimating body fat percentage via skinfolds and impedance methods
Use appropriate references to back up your claims
Conclusions    –    Provide a concluding comment that summarizes the major findings from the class data with regards to comparisons made with the population norms and recommendations: link conclusions with the goals of the study and avoid unqualified statements and conclusions that are not completely supported by the data.

–    State recommendations when warranted by the results.
References    –    You need to include at least 10 references.

–    You must use Vancouver referencing style for this assignment.
Appendices    –    You must submit your original data entry pages for each completed practical task as a separate file (i.e. the pages within the practical manual that provide evidence that you completed each practical task). This can be typed or scanned copies.

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