Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Order Description

Lisa is currently 29 years old and has four of her 6 children in care with the Victorian Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Protection branch. These children are all fathered by the man she first met when she was 12 years old, and who she consequently married in her mid-twenties. Of the other two children, one child lives with their paternal grandparents, and Lisa knows she could have contact, while the other child is with Lisa’s mother and their exact whereabouts are not known to Lisa at this time.

Causes of Homelessness

Lisa’s causes of homelessness arise from family breakdown at an early age with domestic violence in the home. The violence then became a pattern in her own domestic relationships.

The violence of her long term partner then husband is the reason for her debts to the Office of Housing and a private rental provider. The level of domestic violence escalated against her and then against her eldest child, and is the reason for her children being in the care of the DHS.

Other relevant information:

• Lisa made attempts to leave her violent partner but lack of support and the cycle of domestic violence mitigated against that being successful

• Lisa’s debt to both the Department of Housing and the community housing provider are largely damages caused by her violent partner

• Lisa requires a favourable review by the Department of Housing regarding the debt before being eligible for public housing.

• Lisa’s low level of literacy and lack of personal capacity are a result of her early life and causes of homelessness that have left her with little ability to self-manage her situation, although Lisa demonstrates a determination that is some cause for hope

• Lisa requires a high degree of intervention to be sustained over a long period of time using a range of services if she is to have any chance of establishing a family household with her four children returned from care

• intensive support from a range of housing and generic services supports the Homeless to Home service model based on high level of family support intervention but relies on the capacity of community agencies to meet Lisa’s need for support over the long term.

Your tasks:

Lisa has come to your agency for assistance.

Firstly define your role and agency.

Using the following numbered headings explain the processes that you will use to address. You can create responses that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the case management process and management of homelessness. (See the competency checklist to see the required skills that need to be demonstrated) You can use dot points to ensure that you stay within a word limit of 1000 words.
3.Case Planning
4.Implementation of the Case Plan
5.Advocacy actions
7.Evaluation, transition or exit

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