Why sWhy should BSN nurses be concerned with global health issues?

Why sWhy should BSN nurses be concerned with global health issues?

Dr. Louise Fitzpatrick shared how health and disease are global issues. She pointed out that with the mobility of today’s population, those health issues experienced in one area of the world are easily brought to other areas of the world. Consider the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, avian flu, H1N1, or SARS. These diseases have quickly crossed oceans and spread to a variety of countries. They are a public health concern in the U.S. as well as other countries.

To prepare for this Discussion, reflect on the readings and on Dr. Mancuso’s comments in this week’s media presentation; specifically on the role of the BSN nurse in public and global health. With these thoughts in mind, respond to the following:
Why should BSN nurses be concerned with global health issues?
How do global health issues influence nursing practice at your local level or in your work setting? Include specific examples.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Course Text: Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2016). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community. (9th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier.

Chapter 46, “Public Health Nursing at Local, State, and National Levels”

Local, state, and federal laws, policies, and ordinances affect health care and continue to change as the health care demands change with expanding globalization and the rapid transmission of emerging disease and infection.


Glasper, A. (2013). The nursing and midwifery contribution to public health. British Journal Of Nursing, 22(15), 900-901
World Health Organization. (1978, September 12). Declaration of Alma-Ata. Retrieved January 8, 2010, from: https://www.who.int/publications/almaata_declaration_en.pdf

This 1978 declaration was adopted at the International Conference on Primary Health Care in Alma-Ata, USSR (today it is known as Almaty, Kazakhstan). The conference hosted nearly all the member nations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. It expresses the urgent need for action by all governments to protect and promote the health of all people and recognizes health care as an international human right.

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