Which of the BRIC economies has the corporate governance system that is most likely to encourage foreign investment?

Topic: Which of the BRIC economies has the corporate governance system that is most likely to encourage foreign investment?

Order Description
3000 Words
at least 10 or more academic references

This assignment requires you to write a discursive essay (not a report). You should select one title from the list below. Essays should be structured around a clear thesis that has been developed in response to one of the academic debates you had read about in the course of doing your literature review. Your essay should cite at least eight academic authors. You should ensure that you cite the leading experts in your field and that you consider a broad spectrum of academic opinion.

Here I am able to provide some references of the topics’ expertise
Gugler, Klaus, et al., “Corporate Governance and the Returns on Investment”, Journal of Law
and Economics (2003).

?Mishra, Supriti, and Pitabas Mohanty.
?”Corporate governance as a value driver for
?firm performance: evidence from
?India.” Corporate Governance 14, no. 2
?(2014): 265-280.

Estrin, Saul, and Martha Prevezer. “The role
?of informal institutions in corporate
?governance: Brazil, Russia, India, and China
?compared.” Asia Pacific journal of
?management 28, no. 1 (2011): 41-

?Black, Bernard S., Antonio Gledson De
?Carvalho, and Joelson Oliveira Sampaio.
?”The Evolution of Corporate Governance in
?Brazil.” Emerging Markets Review

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