What are the likely (national and local) economic consequences of the 2004 tsunami in Asia, in the short and longer terms? Was the committed international aid excessive? How does globalisation fare in this case?

What are the likely (national and local) economic consequences of the 2004 tsunami in Asia, in the short and longer terms? Was the committed international aid excessive? How does globalisation fare in this case?

Order Description

Individual essays should not extend beyond 5 double-spaced pages of text (with minimum font of 11 and maximum of 12 for the text), excluding Title, Notes, Appendixes and Readings. That is, the text should flow neatly, coherently and well backed by the reference sources, which should be mentioned at all points. An essay should be presented in a formal manner as follows:
It should contain the following sections (all in all: not more than 10 pages):
(i) Title (including author name)
(ii) Introduction (not more than half page)
(iii) Main Text (with clear subtitling, not more than 4 pages) (iv) Conclusions (not more than half page)
(v) Notes (or footnotes)
(vi) Appendixes (statistical, mathematical, or verbal)
(v) Readings (imitate any book format and be consistent)
(2) The readings for each subject above are absolutely compulsory. In the text, references to the readings have to be made when either a piece of important information (literary or statistical) is mentioned or a hard statement is made. Papers without both a conventionally written reading list and a conventionally used system of references will not be accepted. This is not negotiable.
You are supposed to put together a piece of work by using secondary information (from books, articles and statistics written by other authors), but not by doing primary research yourselves. This is why you have to refer to the sources of your information. If you do not do this you may fall foul of College regulations about plagiarism, which carry heavy penalties (see UG Handbook pp.60-66).
The most efficient system here is that of brackets, e.g. (Jones 1995), immediately after the information. If the information is actually a quotation, then you have to use quotation marks and add the page number in the bracket, e.g. (Jones 1995, p.22). Any reading listed in the Readings should be referred to in the text, and any reading referred to in the text should be listed in the Readings. See your Student Handbook for more detailed instructions about the use of references and quotations, and about plagiarism.
You should submit one hard copy (to keep for external examiners) and an electronic copy via WORD attachment (for marking).
Essays that are not written in accordance with the preceding format will not be accepted. Essays will not me accepted beyond the deadline above. If there is any justifiable reason for a delay, this should be discussed with the seminar teacher well before the deadline.


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