Walter Mosley’s Black Betty

Respective to Walter Mosley’s Black Betty, to receive full credit for this assignment,
Write/type out an entry in your journal after you read two or three chapters. There are 41 chapters, so you would include between 15 to 20 detailed and complete responses to the following prompts.
a. What is the detective Easy Rawlins’ main concerns in these chapters?
b. Mention two or three characters who help or hinder Easy’s way forward in solving the mystery at hand.
c. What do we learn about Easy’s community in these chapters?
d. What is my favorite thing about these Chapters?

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Easy Rawlins: Journal Entry (Chapters 1-3)

a) Easy’s Concerns:

Easy’s main concerns right now are financial. He’s struggling to make ends meet after his real estate investments went sour. He’s also recently separated from his wife, adding emotional strain to his situation. This Saul Lynx character showing up with a wad of cash offering a missing person case feels like a lifeline, but Easy can’t help but be suspicious about the whole thing.

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b) Helpful and Hindering Characters:

  • Saul Lynx: This white private investigator throws Easy a case, potentially offering him some much-needed cash. However, Saul’s vague explanations and suspicious demeanor make Easy wary.
  • Mouse: Easy’s old friend just got out of prison. While their reunion is a source of comfort, Easy worries about Mouse’s volatile temper and how it might complicate things, especially with a potentially dangerous case on his hands.

c) Easy’s Community:

The early chapters paint a picture of a predominantly Black community in Los Angeles during the early 1960s. We see Easy interacting with various people, including the bartender at Dewdrop Inn, a familiar hangout. There’s a sense of resilience and suspicion within the community, especially towards outsiders like Saul Lynx.

d) Favorite Aspect:

My favorite thing about these chapters is the introduction of Easy Rawlins himself. Mosley’s writing gives us a glimpse into Easy’s internal struggles, his sharp wit, and his cautious optimism despite the challenges he faces. The mystery surrounding Black Betty is intriguing, but it’s Easy’s voice and perspective that hook me. I’m curious to learn more about Black Betty and why she vanished, but I’m also interested in seeing how Easy navigates this case and the personal demons he carries.

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