use of performance evaluation data within your chosen organisation, and how it is used to demonstrate the value of marketing analytics to the wider business community.

use of performance evaluation data within your chosen organisation, and how it is used to demonstrate the value of marketing analytics to the

wider business community.

Project description
This task centres on your use of performance evaluation data within your chosen

organisation, and how it is used to demonstrate the value of marketing analytics to the

wider business community. As part of this requirement, the use of a marketing dashboard

will enable a diagnosis of the current strength of the marketing function, and will assist in

making strategic decisions. The dashboard can also demonstrate the value of marketing

metrics within your report for the seminar on The Future of Analytics, and should be

prepared with the audience in mind.


(a) Identify and evaluate the key metrics which are relevant to your

chosen organisations main marketing operational areas and to the

seminar audience. 1 page

(b) Using the chosen key metrics, analyse relevant data used within your

chosen organisations key marketing operational areas from a

marketers perspective. 2 pages

(c) Prepare a dashboard of the marketing metric tools used, which are

relevant to the seminar audience. This should show a

visual/graphical/numerical representation of the key metrics you have

used. It should include consideration of likely key elements and trends

which may be faced over the next three years by your chosen

organisations key areas of marketing operations. 3 pages

make sure that you put dashboard with different chart and diagram with different topic

*** and i have select 3 keys of measurement metric
make sure that you apply that keys on my assignment

1-new customer gain
cet= the number of customer at end of time period
cbt= the number of customers at beginning of time period

2- Churn Rate
Gburn= Gt/Cat
gt= the number of customers a business loss over time period
Cat= the number of active customers at the start of time period

3- Retention Rate
Retention Rate = Ca/Cat
Ca= the number of active customers at end of time period
Cat= the number of active customers at start of time period


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