Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s Cultural Differences
Universalist – Particular list
Individualism – Communitarianism
Neutral – Affective
Specific – Diffusive
Achievement – Ascription
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Individualism – Collectivism
Power Distance
Masculinity – Femininity
Uncertainty Avoidance
Long-Short Term Orientation
Part B
What were the lessons, readings or assignments you found the most interesting or were particularly helpful for you to apply to real-world scenarios? Explain your response.
Sample Answer
The lessons, readings, and assignments that I found the most interesting and helpful for me to apply to real-world scenarios were the ones that dealt with cultural dimensions. I found it fascinating to learn about the different ways that cultures view the world, and how these differences can impact communication and business relationships.
One of the most interesting things I learned was about the difference between universalist and particularist cultures. In universalist cultures, people believe that there are universal truths and principles that apply to everyone. In particularist cultures, people believe that each situation is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to problem-solving.