Trade unions? Just groups of men who shout a lot and call strikes. They’re dinosaurs, unwilling and unable to respond to a changing world. They’re finished.

Trade unions? Just groups of men who shout a lot and call strikes. They’re dinosaurs, unwilling and unable to respond to a changing world. They’re finished.

Order Description
Due Date: Duration/Length:
Thursday 12 May (Week 9) 2000 Words (+/- 10%)
??Submission Details:
Students must submit their assignments electronically through Turnitin using the link on iLearn, and in hard copy to BESS (E4A Level 2) by 4:00pm on the due date.
Hard copies must be identical to the electronic version submitted.
Late submissions:
Late essays must also be submitted through Turnitin and a hard copy submitted to BESS in building E4A to be date stamped and forwarded to your tutor for marking.
No extensions will be granted. A student who submits a late assessment will be penalised by 10% per day. That is, marks equal to 10% of the assignment’s weight will be deducted as a ‘flat rate’ from the mark awarded. For example, for an assignment that has a possible highest mark of 40, the student’s awarded mark will have four marks deducted for each late day. Saturday and Sunday each count as one day. This penalty does not apply for cases in which an application for disruption to studies is made and approved.
Critically discuss the following statement with reference to the Australian trade union movement.
‘Trade unions? Just groups of men who shout a lot and call strikes. They’re dinosaurs, unwilling and unable to respond to a changing world. They’re finished.’
Guidelines for the essay:
? The essay should be 2000 words (+/- 10%).
? All essays must cite at least six (6) academic sources.
? You must distinguish clearly between your own words and analysis and those of your sources. You must do this by providing appropriate citations using the Harvard method.
? Failure to provide appropriate citations is plagiarism. See the academic honesty policy. Your list of references should include only material cited in the essay.
? This is an individual assessment task – if a submitted essay is assessed as not being the work of a single author then academic honesty rules apply.
Aims and Objectives
Many issues in the field of industrial relations are contentious and likely to incite strong opinions and debate. The current and future relevance of unions is one issue that has been prominent in debates over recent years. This assessment encourages students to analyse the differing and often competing perspectives of industrial relations stakeholders on an issue of key importance to business, individuals and society at large.
This assessment encourages students to:
? Provide a critical perspective of the academic literature on a topic.
? Construct a sustained argument in response to the question.
? Utilise and conform to the principles of academic rigour in the production of an acceptable, formal response to the question.
Advice on researching and structuring your essay will be provided in lectures and tutorials.
Please read the Marking Guide on page 13 of this Guide. The marking guide sets out the criteria and standards against which your essay will be marked.
Students are responsible for attaching a marking guide and cover sheet to the essay.

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