tone assignment

tone assignment

complete your assignment in a Word document and then upload (not copy/paste) your document to this link. Please put Part 1 and Part 2 in the same document.
Part 1: Record a quotation from your reading that relates to each of the following symbols. Use an MLA citation to document the page number (Salinger 2). Considering that quotation, determine a possible meaning for the symbol and explain in sentence form.
1. Holdan’s red hat
2. The ducks in the lagoon in Central Park
3. The catcher in the rye
4. The Natural History Museum
Part 2: After reviewing the definition and purpose of tone, you will be selecting a song that you think reflects the tone of Holden’s narrative voice. Use the attachment to complete the asignment.

Tone in a Tune: Holden’s Theme Song
Directions: After reviewing the definition and purpose of tone, you will be selecting a song that you think reflects the tone of Holden’s narrative voice.  For whatever song you choose, you will need to:
a) Produce a copy of the song’s lyrics
b) Offer three pieces of evidence from the novel and song that support your interpretation of the tone

1.    What adjective describes Holden’s tone? Why?

2.    Select a song that reflects this tone. Please paste lyrics at the end of this document.

Title of song:

Title of recording song is from:


3.    Explain why the song you selected reflects Holden’s narrative voice.  Remember, the song you chose should reflect what Holden says, and how he says it, NOT simply what he does. You will need to provide three examples from the song and the novel supporting your selection.

Example 1
Passage/incident from The Catcher in the Rye (include MLA citation):

Lyrics from song:

Explain relationship/connection (3-4 full sentences)

Example 2
Passage/incident from The Catcher in the Rye (include MLA citation):

Lyrics from song:

Explain relationship/connection (3-4 full sentences)

Example 3
Passage/incident from The Catcher in the Rye (include MLA citation):

Lyrics from song:

Explain relationship/connection (3-4 full sentences)

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