Today’s health care environment gives nurses many reasons to be conflicted

Today’s health care environment gives nurses many reasons to be conflicted. Genetic testing, abortion, and end of life care are just some of the areas in which nurses may face ethical dilemmas. Consider how you feel about the following issues:

Respecting the wishes of a suffering client that he is permitted to die with dignity,
Respecting the health surrogate’s wishes regarding termination of life support,
Or even observing another nurse take two tablets of oxycodone as ordered but keeping one for herself.
Then give an example of an ethical dilemma you may have confronted in your own clinical experience or workplace. How did you come to the decision you made? What feelings did you experience while coming to that choice? (If you have not yet faced an ethical dilemma, research one and comment on it, answering the same questions.)

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The Dilemma:

A terminally ill patient, with full mental capacity, expresses his desire to die with dignity and requests discontinuation of life support. However, the patient’s designated health surrogate, a close family member who is emotionally unable to cope with the loss, insists on prolonging life support despite the patient’s suffering and medical prognosis.

Conflicting Duties:

This scenario presents a classic ethical clash between respecting patient autonomy and upholding professional obligations.

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  • Respecting Patient Autonomy: Honoring the patient’s informed wishes aligns with the ethical principle of autonomy. The patient has the right to choose how they wish to end their life, especially when facing terminal illness and suffering.
  • Upholding Professional Obligations: Following the surrogate’s request to continue life support aligns with the nurse’s duty to care for the patient and obey lawful orders. Additionally, the potential legal and professional repercussions of acting against the surrogate’s wishes add another layer of complexity.

Decision-Making and Emotional Conflict:

Navigating this dilemma would involve:

  1. Gathering Information: Consulting with other healthcare professionals, reviewing medical records, and understanding the patient’s condition and prognosis thoroughly.
  2. Open Communication: Engaging in sincere conversations with the patient, the surrogate, and other family members to understand their perspectives and emotions.
  3. Ethical Framework: Applying ethical principles and guidelines, such as respecting autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice, to weigh the different options.

This process would likely evoke a range of emotions:

  • Empathy: Compassion for the patient’s suffering and the family’s emotional turmoil.
  • Anxiety: Uncertainty about the right course of action and potential consequences.
  • Frustration: Difficulty reconciling conflicting obligations and wishes.
  • Fear: Concerns about legal repercussions and professional censure.

Possible Options and Outcomes:

  1. Advocate for the Patient: Discuss the patient’s wishes with the surrogate and healthcare team, emphasizing the patient’s right to self-determination and exploring alternative care options that offer comfort and dignity while respecting the patient’s request.
  2. Follow the Surrogate’s Request: Continue providing life support, while offering emotional support to the family and ensuring the patient’s comfort and pain management.
  3. Seek External Guidance: Consult with ethics committees, legal counsel, or other healthcare professionals for advice and support in navigating the complex situation.

The Path Chosen:

The “right” decision can vary depending on the specific context and details of the case. The goal is to make a well-informed choice that aligns with ethical principles, minimizes harm, and respects the patient’s autonomy while considering the family’s wishes and the nurse’s professional obligations.

This example highlights the emotional and ethical challenges nurses face in their everyday practice. It reinforces the importance of open communication, critical thinking, ethical grounding, and seeking support when dealing with complex dilemmas.

Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical scenario and should not be considered professional medical or legal advice. Always consult with healthcare professionals and legal counsel for guidance in specific situations.

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