To what extent is the school curriculum gendered in United Kingdom? Can or should anything be done about it?

Topic: To what extent is the school curriculum gendered in United Kingdom? Can or should anything be done about it?
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Use following references please.

Kelly, A.V., (2009) The Curriculum: theory and practice, London: Sage.

Francis, B., (2000) Boys, Girls and Achievement: addressing the classroom issues, London: Routledge

Arnot M et al (1999) Closing the gender gap: post-war education and social change. Cambridge, Polity Press

Moore, A., (ed.)(2006) Schooling, Society and Curriculum, London: Routledge.

Skelton, C., Francis, B. and Smulyan, L., (eds.)(2006) The Sage Handbook of Gender and Education, London: Sage

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