Title: Prospectus
Topic: Title: Prospectus
Order Description
Writer 367334
Please put the following below in the Prospectus Paper for order # 81641429
2. Positive Social Change
Please put the RESEARCH GAP (GP) and Positive Social Change in the Prospectus paper. The RG is not simply what you and neither the population believe/neither s nor I is “GAP”. The literature search must show what has not been researched in the area of choice.
The “Positive Social Change” aspect is derived from your study as either directly involved in behavior/attitude change or has the potential to do so. It’s only with regards with the outcome of the study and its contribution to Public Health. It does so, by filling the gap and instantiating a positive social change
The major sources of discontent at the College level were: inability of the student to define a “gap”, from the literature; inability to demonstrate how their work will yield a “positive social change.” The “gap” illustrated by your literature review forms the “core” of the study! It has very little to do with your work experience/observations/knowledge and the like. It has everything to do with an extensive literature review that reveals a void —– something that needs to be studied in other to seal/close that void. It must be relevant to Public Health.
The “positive Social Change” aspect is derived from your study as either directly involved in behavior/attitude change or has the potential to do so. It’s only with regards with the outcome of your study and its contribution to Public Health. It does so, by filling the gap and instantiating a positive social change
As soon as the Prospectus is approve and then I will send the writer can start writing the proposal.
John Zogbo