Time, Newsweek, and US News and World Report

Use the DCCCD Library Databases, search the websites of credible news outlets like Time, Newsweek, and US News and World Report, look at relevant government websites.

  1. Read each source and find at least 1 piece of supporting material within that source.
    a. Definition
    b. Example
    c. Statistic
    d. Image
    e. Story
    f. Testimonial
  2. Using the supplied template, create an entry for each source.
    a. Identify the type of source.
    b. Provide the bibliographic reference for the work cited following correct Modern Language Association (MLA) format
    c. Include a piece of supporting material. Obviously, each source will yield more than one piece of supporting material. You’re seeking to demonstrate your understanding of how supporting material for a speech is drawn from a source.
    d. Identify the type of supporting material.
    e. Demonstrate how you will cite the source orally in the speech. This is called the “oral footnote.” It is different than the bibliographic reference. Both are important. Citing correctly in writing is done using very strict formatting rules. Citing a source in speech is a bit more fluid and contextual. At the very least, tell us from whom you received the information. For example, “Andy Mangum” or “The Center for Disease Control.” Follow that up with a quick statement as to why we should find this source credible, “Andy Mangum, instructor of speech communication at Dallas College” then tells us where the information was found, “in an essay he wrote for Teaching Speech to Brilliant Students,” and then state the verb “said,” Or “wrote” or “explained” (whatever). All together, “Andy Mangum, instructor of speech communication at Dallas College, in an essay for Teaching Speech to Brilliant Students, said, ‘A pithy quotation is a gift.’”

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