Theory Analysis

Question 1:
Explain how and why you would outline an answer to this comp question:
The lifestyle-routine activity approach continues to be a guiding theoretical framework in the field of victimology.
As an expert in victimology, pick one type of victimization (be sure to state the type of crime) and examine it
building upon lifestyle routine activity theory (LRAT). You are going to complete the following:
NOTE: Measurement is fundamental to the research process, especially when testing explanatory and
predictive powers of any theory. In your study, make sure to define and operationalize the core concepts of
lifestyle-routine activity theory (LRAT).

  1. An abbreviated literature review (include at least 7 relevant peer reviewed sources)
  2. A statement of purpose for the study
  3. The research question (or hypotheses)
  4. The dependent and independent variables and how they will be conceptualized and operationalized
  5. The unit of analysis, and sampling method
  6. Explain the type of research design that you would implement to address the research question
  7. Strengths and weaknesses of the study
    This is a trick question!

Question 2:
Looking back at past comprehensive exam questions, knowing what you know about research methods today,
which of the two questions would you choose to answer and why?

  1. Describe the methodological design for a project aimed at studying the effectiveness of “no high-speed
    chase” policies by law enforcement agencies. You should clearly state:
    • your purpose in performing the research,
    • your research question and hypothesis(or hypotheses),
    • your dependent and independent variables and specifically how they will be conceptualized and
    • your unit of analysis, sampling method, including when, where, and how;
    • the statistical technique(s) that you will utilize in the analysis; why did you choose that (or them), and
    • the strengths and weaknesses of the research design you have chosen: discuss at least three strengths and
    three weaknesses.
  2. Describe the methodological design for a project aimed at studying the impact of the legalization of
    marijuana in Colorado on the criminal justice system. You should clearly state:

    o your purpose in performing the research,
    o your research question and hypothesis(or hypotheses),
    o your dependent and independent variables and specifically how they will be conceptualized and
    o your unit of analysis, sampling method, including when, where, and how;
    o the statistical technique(s) that you will utilize in the analysis; why did you choose that (or them),
    o the strengths and weaknesses of the research design you have chosen: discuss at least three strengths and
    three weaknesses.

Question 3:
Hypothetical; your boss rather cynically ask why you need a class in research methods to earn a master’s
degree in CJ. How will you justify the course to your boss?

Question 4:
What will likely happen if policy decisions are not based in theory and theory testing. Consider for example, the
juvenile justice reform movement of the 1960s-80s and reliance on labelling theory.

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