“The Visit” and economic analysis

“The Visit” and economic analysis
Order Description
Write one page magazine article based on the draft and the feedbacks. Also need to write one page comment on the feedback.
The requirement of comment as below:
Reflect on the changes you made to improve your assignment and the feedback you have received. Where do you agree, where do you disagree with the reviewer? Why? How is your agreement reflected in the final submission of the article? Your response will be evaluated based on its depth, clarity, critical evaluation

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Writing Assignment 2: Time Magazine Article
Note: This final writing assignment consists of three stages and requires submission on three different
systems, namely portal, peerScholar, and turnitin. Please make sure you carefully read the instructions
and follow the submission schedule laid out below. Penalties of up to 100% apply for non-submission.
Objective: Write a one-page Time Magazine Article, relating aspects of “The Visit” and economic
analysis to a current policy debate.
Details: Below you find four topic-questions described. None of them has an easy or straight-forward
answer. Your task is to write a one-page commentary reflecting the complexity of the issue at hand, and
bringing insights from economic analysis and from “The Visit” to the discussion.
Your submission should be such that it might appear in the main/middle part of the Time Magazine. It
should be indistinguishable from a real Time Magazine Article in style, tone, complexity, language,
editing, and lay-out.
Deliverables: In working toward the final submission, there are three stages.
(1) Draft. Write a draft of the article. Submit the text only. No lay-out, no graphs or pictures.
(2) Feedback. Provide anonymous feedback to three of your class mates who are writing on a
different topic. The PeerScholar website randomly assigns submissions for each student to
(3) Final submission.
o Submit your final Time Magazine Article.
o Bonus: Comment on the feedback you have received from others.
Submission Deadlines and Details:
Submission Where
from to
1 Submit Draft Portal, TI, pS Jan 20th Feb 10th 1200 words N
Provide feedback
to peers
PS Feb 11th Feb 17th N/A N/A
3 Final submission Portal, TI, pS Feb 20th Mar 9th 1 + 1 page Y
Bonus Reflect on comments PS Feb 20th Mar 9th N/A N/A
TI: turnitin.com pS: peerScholar Ref: References
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Instructions for each stage:
(1) For the topic that you signed-up for or were assigned on portal, create a first draft for a time
magazine article. Make sure to relate your discussion to “The Visit” and include an economic
analysis. I strongly encourage you to
– schedule time throughout the following weeks to work on your submission,
– spend some time to inform yourself about the topic,
– be critical of all sources you consult and consider the source’s interests and objectives,
– set aside any intuitive or ideological reactions you may have (and return to them later),
– clarify your economic analysis in a formal or semi-formal model,
– explore the relationship with “The Visit”,
– use the unconstrained writing method to explore what you have learned,
– take time to lay-out a structure for your article, and to
– only start writing the actual article after you have complete these preparatory steps. Finally,
– leave time to revise and edit your draft for language, clarity, and precision.
Your submission on portal and turnitin.com must be in pdf –format.
Your submission on peerScholar is the plain text.
Your submission
– Must not exceed 1,200 words.
– Must be submitted separately on turnitin, portal, and peerScholar by Feb 10th, 10pm.
If you do not submit it by this time you will get a mark of zero for the first draft, peer review,
and (bonus) response stage as you will be locked out of the peer review process.
(2) Provide an anonymous peer review of three of your classmates’ submissions using the peerScholar
interface. Keeping the final submission rubric in mind, assess the economic analysis, usage of “The
Visit”, quality of writing, and clarity of each submission. Identify at least one area of improvement
and one area where the submission was well-done. Give constructive feedback to help your class
mates improve their submission.
– Your feedback is due by Feb 17th, 10pm, on peerScholar.
– The quality (depth, specificity, clarity, constructiveness) of your feedback will be evaluated,
assigning up to 30 points for your reviews.
(3) Using the feedback you received in the review process to revise your draft. Create your final Time
Magazine Article submission. Your submission
– Must be in pdf-format.
– Must not exceed one page + one page for all references.
– Must make it clear what parts are your own writing, and what is cited from which source.
Where it is not appropriate to clarify this in the article, it must be specified on the reference
– File name must be “StudentID_lastname_firstname.pdf.” No capital letters.
– Must be submitted on portal and turnitin.com by Mar 9th, 10pm.
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Bonus: Reflection. Explicitly reflect upon the feedback you have received and respond to the three
comments you have received. Submitted your responses on peerScholar by Mar 9th, 10pm. The quality
of your responses (depth, clarity, critical evaluation) are evaluated, up to 20 points are assigned.
Topic 1
On occasion individuals or private institutions offer donations to public entities. For example, in 2012
the NFL announced the donation of 30 Mill USD to the NIH.1 In 2011, IBM partnered with New York City
to create a joint high school, P-Tech.2
Question: Should public entities accept such donations, enter such partnerships?
Topic 2
On occasion, companies announce that they are looking for a site to build new production facilities.
Cities or counties that think they may have a chance, especially those that have a qualified work force
and high unemployment, try to attract those facilities. For example, Albuquerque, NM, attempted to
attract a Tesla production site in 2007 (when it lost to California) and in 2015, when it was in the “final
four,” but lost to Nevada.3, 4 At other times, cities, counties, states have negotiated with companies to
stay offering help to develop infrastructure and tax incentives.
Question: Should governments (cities, counties, states) be encouraged or discouraged to compete with
each other to attract and to keep companies and production sites?
Topic 3
Public benefits often come with conditions attached. For example, while collecting unemployment
insurance (EI) in Canada, you “you are required to be actively searching for suitable employment
and to provide evidence of your job search effort when asked by Service Canada.”5
Question: Should such conditions be abolished?
Topic 4
There are three ways in which a company can be owned: Privately by the person who owns (or borrows)
the money to build and run the company; publicly by a variety of share-holders; and employee-owned
by the people who work at the company. But all three types of companies are subject to the same public
institutions (regulations, rights, law, taxes).
Questions: How does the ownership structure of companies, the strength and nature of public
institutions affect outcomes for communities and what does this imply for our current society?
1 http://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/national-football-league-commits-30-million-donationfoundation-
2 http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21657842-companies-struggling-find-talent-are-lookingteenagers-
3 http://www.abqjournal.com/359564/biz/tesla-releases-more-details-on-8220giga8221-factory.html
4 http://krqe.com/2015/10/16/albuquerque-economic-development-teslas-interest-has-lasting-impact/
5 http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/faq/faq_index_individuals.shtml
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Submission: Throughout the stages of this project you have to submit documents on the portal, on
turnitin.com, and on peerScholar. For all submissions, make sure
– You familiarize yourself with the submission interface long before you are ready to submit and
before the deadline.
– You submit your file in pdf-format, except for texts entered (copy-pasted) directly into
– When submission to more than one interface is required, make sure you upload the same file
(or text) to all sites. Failure to submit the same identical file or text, respectively, will be
treated as an academic offense. In case of a violation, zero points will be assigned to all stages
of this writing assignment, regardless of potentially previously earned points.
– You click the submit button before the deadline.
– You record a screen shot of your submission.
Additional instructions for each submission site:
PeerScholar: Log in to the portal. Navigate to Course Materials -> Writing Assignments -> Time Magazine
Article. Find the “peerScholar” item and follow the link. There will be one assignment folder for the
draft. After the submission deadline, peerScholar will automatically assign each student peer
submissions to review. Log-in to peerScholar via the portal again and navigate to the “assess phase”.
Similarly, for the response-to-review phase.
Portal: Navigate to Course Materials -> Writing Assignments -> Time Magazine Article. Select the
appropriate folder for your draft and final submission, respectively.
Turnitin.com: Create an account on turnitin.com if you do not already have one.6 Enroll in this class:
Class ID: 11463579 using the enrollment password: TheVisit (note the spelling.) When you are ready to
submit, click on the assignment you are about to submit.
Make sure your upload your draft into the correct assignment folder.
Failure to submit your analysis to turnitin results in a zero score for the first draft, peer review, and
response stage regardless of submission to other sites as you will be locked out of the peer review
Failure to submit your final submission to turnitin results in a zero score for the final article regardless of
submission to other sites. NO EXCEPTIONS.
6 You can find instructions on how to set one up at
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Administrative Timeline:
Jan 13th Topic sign-up becomes available on portal
Jan 15th Topic sign-up closed; non-assigned students will be assigned
Jan 13-15 Modeling application tutorial
Jan 20th Submission folders open
Feb 1-5th Writing office hours
Feb 10th Submission folders close
Feb 10-12th Feedback tutorial
Feb 11th Review process on peerScholar opens
Feb 17th Review process on peerScholar closes
Feb 20th Response process on peerScholar opens
Feb 20th Submission folders for final submission opens
Feb 28th-Mar 2nd Writing office hours
Mar 9th Submission folder for final report closes
Support: A number of resources are available to you to help you complete this assignment:
– University Resources. Several campus writing centers offer review services. For more
information on campus writing centers and writing courses, please visit
– Tutorials. In the tutorial in week 13 a real-world modelling application will be discussed. Tutorial
in week 17 will offer some guidelines on how to provide constructive feedback, editing your own
writing and that of others.
– Office hours: Office hours with trained writing TAs will be held before the Feb 10th deadline and
before the Mar 9th deadline. Details will be announced on portal.
– General tips on writing well.
o Deirdre N. McCloskey “Economical Writing”
o William Zinsser, “On Writing Well”
o Greg Mankiw, “How to write well”, http://gregmankiw.blogspot.ca/2006/10/how-towrite-
Grading: Your submissions will be graded at various stages. In particular, you can earn up to
– 30 points for the reviews you provide to your peers.
– 50 points for the final submission.
– Bonus: 20 points in for your response to the feedback you have received.
The rubrics are attached below.
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Assessment of Peer Feedback
Item Score 0-7.5
Depth: It is clear that the reviewer has read and reflected upon the submission.
Specificity: Feedback is specific to this submission.
Clarity: Feedback is easy to understand, clear, and concise.
Constructiveness: Feedback is constructive; makes it easy for the author to improve.
Total (out of 30)
Assessment of Responses
Item Score 0-5
Depth: It is clear that the author has read and reflected upon each review.
Specificity: Responses are specific to each review.
Clarity: Response is easy to understand, clear, and concise.
Thorough: All main comments are addressed in a well-argued, thorough manner.
Total (out of 20)
Assessment of Final Submission
Content Score 0-5
Topic: The issue at hand is laid out early on. The relevance of the issue is made clear.
“The Visit”: Links to the story from “The Visit” are established, insights shared are relevant to topic.
Economics: Underlying model recognizable to trained economist; Model appropriate for context.
Economics: Conclusions presented are supported by underlying model/ economic analysis.
Economics: Limitations, objections, alternatives are considered.
Support of argument: Claims made are substantiated, supported by specific evidence.
Total (out of 30)
Writing and overall presentation Score 0-5
Professional language and editing: Appropriate for intended audience, varied vocabulary.
Adjectives used sparingly. This/That followed by nouns. Grammatically correct throughout. Clear and
Well-structured: Details/arguments arranged in appropriate order. One point per paragraph.
Varied sentence length. Smooth flow and transitions.
Professional lay-out and bibliography: Paper looks and feels professional. Easy to read.
References complete and professionally set.
Time Magazine Likeness: Article looks and feels like a real Time Magazine article, in terms of font
choice & size, lay-out & column design, graphics, tone, word choice, and story arch.
Total (out of 20)

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