The revision of student placement notes (Social work/ Human service work)
Topic: The revision of student placement notes (Social work/ Human service work)
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According to the attached file example (Mid placement assessment Draft Tak Kin Leung), based on the learning plan and the suggested notes ( highlighted suggestion on yellow), revise the notes (highlighted suggested on green) in brief form on all 6 standards, focusing on how you are showing that you are completing the tasks in each Standard and what evidence you have – for example, supervision notes, examples of the promotional materials for the program etc.. As my tutor think i wrote on (highlighted things on green )is not quite relevant.
My assigned task of placement at st John have been uploaded and explained on the introduction of example file.
I have already attached all the pdf file including ACWA ethic code, St john goals, specific things of computer companion program and culture life experience program, policy of the St John (Culture life experience program. (Must read and some content need to be demonstrate as evidence) (Very Very Very important).
The students notes mid placement assessment is quite similar with the learning plan but more specific and i have to provide the evidence as demonstration in react to the suggestion (highlighted suggestions things by tutor) . The learning plan the tutor thinks its good and he want to understand more what he suggested and write on students mid placement assessment notes (highlighted on green). Plz use your own word to develop the idea on students notes mid placement assessment from the example file and don’t just paraphrase or change to similar word.