The Relationship Between Social Sciences, Methodologies, And Data Types

Over the last few weeks, you have conducted research in your field of study to identify a research problem you will turn into a research question. In your initial post, consider patterns you found as you were looking at this information. What did you notice? What is the relationship between your field of study in social science and the methodologies and data types you found? If a particular methodology was selected over others, what might the impact on your field of study be? (Hint: Refer back to your answers in your Module Six journal entry.)

Then, choose two peers who are studying a social science field different from yours. As you review your peers’ initial posts, answer at least two of the following questions as you compare patterns of methodology choices in their social science and yours:

Do you see other limits in their social science that they did not identify?
What might the impact of those limits be?
How do the methodology and data types preferred by their social science compare to those preferred by yours? Are there overlaps? Major differences?
What do you see as the impact of these preferences, and is there something that could be gained in their social science if they were to embrace some of the methodologies and data types used by your social science?
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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Over the last few weeks, I have conducted research in the field of organizational behavior to identify a research problem I will turn into a research question. Here are some of the patterns I found:

  • There is a strong emphasis on quantitative methods. This is likely due to the fact that organizational behavior is a relatively young field of study and researchers are still trying to understand the complex relationships between variables. Quantitative methods allow researchers to collect large amounts of data and to test hypotheses in a rigorous way.
  • There is a growing interest in qualitative methods. This is likely due to the fact that researchers are recognizing the importance of understanding the subjective experiences of individuals and groups. Qualitative methods allow researchers to collect rich data that can provide insights that quantitative methods cannot.

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  • There is a trend towards mixed methods research. This is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods that can be used to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a problem. Mixed methods research can be more powerful than either quantitative or qualitative methods alone.

The relationship between my field of study in organizational behavior and the methodologies and data types I found is that quantitative methods are often preferred because they allow researchers to test hypotheses in a rigorous way. However, qualitative methods can also be valuable for understanding the subjective experiences of individuals and groups. Mixed methods research can be a good way to combine the strengths of both quantitative and qualitative methods.

If a particular methodology was selected over others, the impact on my field of study could be that the research findings would be limited. For example, if a researcher only used quantitative methods, they might miss out on important insights that could be gained from qualitative methods. Conversely, if a researcher only used qualitative methods, they might not be able to generalize their findings to a wider population.

I chose two peers who are studying social science fields different from mine:

  • Peer 1 is studying political science. They are interested in the impact of social media on political campaigns. They found that quantitative methods, such as surveys and experiments, are often used in political science research. However, they also found that qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups, can be valuable for understanding the motivations of voters.
  • Peer 2 is studying sociology. They are interested in the impact of poverty on educational attainment. They found that quantitative methods, such as surveys and census data, are often used in sociological research. However, they also found that qualitative methods, such as interviews and participant observation, can be valuable for understanding the lived experiences of people living in poverty.

I see the following limits in my peers’ social sciences that they did not identify:

  • The use of quantitative methods can lead to overgeneralization. This is because quantitative methods are often used to collect data from a large number of people, which can make it difficult to account for individual differences.
  • The use of qualitative methods can lead to bias. This is because qualitative methods rely on the researcher’s interpretation of the data, which can be influenced by their own personal biases.

The impact of those limits could be that the research findings are not accurate or reliable. For example, if a researcher uses quantitative methods to study the impact of social media on political campaigns, they might find that social media has a negative impact on voter turnout. However, this finding could be misleading if the researcher does not account for individual differences in how people use social media.

The methodology and data types preferred by my peers’ social sciences and mine are similar in that they both use quantitative and qualitative methods. However, there are also some differences. For example, political science research tends to rely more on quantitative methods, while sociological research tends to rely more on qualitative methods.

There are also some overlaps in the data types used by my peers’ social sciences and mine. For example, all three of us use surveys and interviews. However, there are also some differences in the data types used. For example, political science research often uses census data, while sociological research often uses participant observation.

Overall, I think the methodology and data types used in my field of study and my peers’ social sciences are appropriate for the research questions that we are trying to answer. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of these methods and to use them in a way that minimizes bias.

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