The Ratification of the 13th Amendment

You should plan to meet the following research minimums: 1-3 primary sources, 3-5 secondary sources. Second, you must have an argument, other wise known as a thesis. Third, you must back up your argument with evidence from the readings. That means that each paragraph should develop an aspect of your argument and then back up your contention with evidence. Whenever possible, you should quote from the sources as well. Each paragraph should have at least one quotation, and several citations. Fourth, you must cite the sources you are quoting or drawing from. Do so by using Chicago format. To cite a source in Chicago format: click insert and then footnote. Make sure your footnotes are numbered (1, 2, 3, etc..) When you fill out the sources: start with name, title (place of publication, publisher, year) and then page number. So a good citation looks like this: Eric Foner, Reconstruction (New York: Basic Books, 1997), 142. Once you have cited the source, you are not required to perform a full citation, instead you can use an abbreviated citation: Foner, 34. In a works cited page, cite the full citation of an outside source, ex: author name, title of work, (place of publication, publisher, date). If it is an internet source make sure to cite the full hyperlink so I can track it down and look at it myself. Remember, edu and gov hyperlink’s are the most legitimate. Make sure you critically assess any other website before citing it in this paper. Fifth, avoid unnecessary spacing to try and artificially lengthen the paper. Do not put extra spaces between the title and the paper or between paragraphs. Also, avoid long quotations. If you have a quotation longer than 4 lines that is fine, but you must single space the quotation into a block quote. This is so that you don’t have a page of quotes and no actual prose.

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