The Pullman Case Order Description The name of the book is “The Pullman Case” and the Author is David Ray Papke. Dr. Walker-McWilliams HIST 1323, P01 U.S. History, 1876 to Present– Book Precis #1 – The Pullman Case Assignment Value: 30 points (late papers downgraded 5 pts per day late) Guide to Writing a Book Précis A book précis is a short review or summary of a text. It should be informative and meaningful to someone who has not read the book in question. An effective review should contain an analysis of the author’s thesis or point of view, a discussion of the methods/sources that the author uses, and your critical evaluation of the work as a whole. For examples of academic book reviews, you are strongly encouraged to consult a recent copy of the Journal of American History or the American Historical Review (both are available through the library). Format • Must include your name, course number and section (single-spaced) in upper-left hand corner on the first page of your review • 1-inch margins and the body of your review should be double-spaced, 12pt font • 2-3 complete pages in length • Bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style format: Papke, David Ray. The Pullman Case (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1999). Content • A short summary of the scope, content and argument/thesis of the book (generally done in one introductory paragraph) • Your analysis of how well the author supports his/her thesis (the bulk of your essay) • Is the book well-written and well-documented with sources? • What are the strong points of the book? Its weak points? • Conclusion – would you recommend the book to a reader interested in its subject matter? Why or Why not? Grammar and Syntax • This is a formal piece of writing that requires correct English, grammar and punctuation. • Do not use profanity or slang and address authors and key figures by their full or last name. • Try to avoid writing in the first person, e.g. “I feel,” “I think.” • Quoted material must include page numbers, e.g. “[Quoted material]” (Papke, pg. #). • Avoid quotes that are more than 6 lines long • PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD!!! Grading “A” papers (27-30 pts): Adequately meet above requirements and with few grammatical errors. “B/C” papers (21-26 pts): Meet most of the above requirements, but lack a complete analysis of the book and miss some formatting requirements. Will have grammatical errors that detract from the paper. Paper may have been late. “D” papers (18-20 pts): Paper did not fully address the assignment and above requirements. Paper includes numerous grammatical errors. Paper may have been late. “F” papers (0-17 pts): Haphazardly put together assignment or a paper that struggles to follow the assignment and make sense of the book. Paper is significantly late. Pap
The Pullman Case
Order Description
The name of the book is “The Pullman Case” and the Author is David Ray Papke.
Dr. Walker-McWilliams
HIST 1323, P01 U.S. History, 1876 to Present– Book Precis #1 – The Pullman Case
Assignment Value: 30 points (late papers downgraded 5 pts per day late)
Guide to Writing a Book Précis
A book précis is a short review or summary of a text. It should be informative and meaningful to someone who has not read the book in question. An effective review should contain an analysis of the author’s thesis or point of view, a discussion of the methods/sources that the author uses, and your critical evaluation of the work as a whole. For examples of academic book reviews, you are strongly encouraged to consult a recent copy of the Journal of American History or the American Historical Review (both are available through the library).
• Must include your name, course number and section (single-spaced) in upper-left hand corner on the first page of your review
• 1-inch margins and the body of your review should be double-spaced, 12pt font
• 2-3 complete pages in length
• Bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style format:
Papke, David Ray. The Pullman Case (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1999).
• A short summary of the scope, content and argument/thesis of the book (generally done in one introductory paragraph)
• Your analysis of how well the author supports his/her thesis (the bulk of your essay)
• Is the book well-written and well-documented with sources?
• What are the strong points of the book? Its weak points?
• Conclusion – would you recommend the book to a reader interested in its subject matter? Why or Why not?
Grammar and Syntax
• This is a formal piece of writing that requires correct English, grammar and punctuation.
• Do not use profanity or slang and address authors and key figures by their full or last name.
• Try to avoid writing in the first person, e.g. “I feel,” “I think.”
• Quoted material must include page numbers, e.g. “[Quoted material]” (Papke, pg. #).
• Avoid quotes that are more than 6 lines long
“A” papers (27-30 pts): Adequately meet above requirements and with few grammatical errors.
“B/C” papers (21-26 pts): Meet most of the above requirements, but lack a complete analysis of the
book and miss some formatting requirements. Will have grammatical errors that detract from the paper. Paper may have been late.
“D” papers (18-20 pts): Paper did not fully address the assignment and above requirements. Paper includes numerous grammatical errors. Paper may have been late.
“F” papers (0-17 pts): Haphazardly put together assignment or a paper that struggles to follow the assignment and make sense of the book. Paper is significantly late. Pap