The problem of Desertification in The Sultanate of Oman

The problem of Desertification in The Sultanate of Oman

Assignment: Desertification in Sultanate of Oman

Please ensure to cover all action items (1-2-3-4-5-6) and (A-B-C- B-D-E-F-G-H-I-J) at below. Also please cover each point in (Rubric) and Academic Paper Guidelines because they are very important to I get high degree.
Moreover ,Please Sir find attached.
To assess your ability to analyze a tragedy of the commons problem.

Tragedy of the commons is when there is a depletion of a shared resource by individuals, acting independently and rationally according to each one’s self-interest, but acting contrary to a group’s long-term best interests by depleting a common resource.
“Commons” can include the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, fish stocks, national parks, advertising, and even parking meters.
One resource that can be used to explore the topic of “commons” is the International Association for the Study of the Commons.
An example of tragedy of the commons is the overfishing in Sierra Leone. video to learn more about this issue.

Action Items
Milestone 1: Exploring and Selecting
Due: Week 2
1.Explore the topic: tragedy of commons.(Desertification in Sultanate of Oman).
2.Read the Special Report on Biodiversity in the Economist, (2013), 408(8853), after page 50.
o All creatures great and small
o Dead as the moa
o What’s the use?
o Amsterdam’s wild side
o Where eagles dare
o Hearts and minds
o The long view
o Trees of knowledge
o Averting the sixth extinction
3. I Select tragedy of commons (Desertification in Sultanate of Oman) that I would like to investigate throughout this course.
4.Go to the discussion topic, “Selection of Tragedy of Commons”, and read the topics selected by your fellow classmates. Only one person can investigate one topic. So if your topic has already been selected, continue your research and select another topic.
5.Post your topic selection on the discussion topic, “Selection of Tragedy of Commons”.
Note: Be specific in which location you will be researching your topic. Acceptable: (Desertification in Sultanate of Oman)
6. Milestone 3: Paper and Presentation*
Due: Week 6
1.Review the Grading Rubric (below).
2.Write a 2- to 3-page paper about your selected tragedy of commons. Include the following in your paper. Format the paper according the Academic Paper Guidelines. Include at a minimum at least three resources.
A.Definition of a tragedy of the commons problem.
B.Problem you have selected to discuss.
C.Reason why your selected problem is important.
D.A set of alternative projects.
E.Discuss from whose perspective Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) could be performed.
F.Define and discuss the Benefits & Costs and how each Benefit & Cost would be counted or measured.
G.Predict the change in Benefits & Costs as a result of implementing the solution/proposed project.
H.Discuss the discount benefits and costs in order to obtain the present values.
I.Sensitivity Analysis – discuss which assumptions should be changed since they would have the largest impact to the NPV of the project/proposed solution.
J.Make a recommendation and explain why it would work from an economic perspective.
3.Check your paper using Modify your paper as needed.
4.Submit your paper to
5.Read the Originality Report you receive from and make any modifications as needed to your paper.
*Click here for information about the Presentation assignment: Present.

Submission Instructions
By the end of Week 2, post your selected tragedy of commons on the discussion topic using the Discuss tool.
By Week 6, upload your paper using the Submit tool.

Grading Criteria
See the Grading Rubric for specific details : 0 – 100 points
Project Paper Rubric

Total 100 points

Criteria Unacceptable Acceptable Proficient Student Points and Comments
Defines tragedy of commons.

Vaguely defines tragedy of commons or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Defines tragedy of commons and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Defines tragedy of commons and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses the selected tragedy of commons.

Vaguely discusses the selected tragedy of commons or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Discusses the selected tragedy of commons and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.
(4 points) Discusses the selected tragedy of commons and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses why the tragedy of commons is important.

Vaguely discusses why the tragedy of commons is important or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Discusses why the tragedy of commons is important and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Discusses why the tragedy of commons is important and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses a set of alternative solutions.

Vaguely discusses a set of alternative solutions or completely off the topic.
(0-11 points) Discusses a set of alternative solutions and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.
(12-13 points) Discusses a set of alternative solutions and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(14-15 points)
Discusses from whose perspective CBA could be performed.

Vaguely discusses from whose perspective CBA could be performed or completely off the topic.

(0-3 points) Discusses from whose perspective CBA could be performed and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Discusses from whose perspective CBA could be performed and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)

Discusses the Benefits & Costs and how each Benefit & Cost would be counted or measured.

Vaguely discusses the Benefits & Costs and how each Benefit & Cost would be counted or measured or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Discusses the Benefits & Costs and how each Benefit & Cost would be counted or measured and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Discusses the Benefits & Costs and how each Benefit & Cost would be counted or measured and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Predicts the change in Benefits & Costs as a result of implementing the solution/proposed project.

Vaguely predicts the change in Benefits & Costs as a result of implementing the solution/proposed project or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Predicts the change in Benefits & Costs as a result of implementing the solution/proposed project and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Predicts the change in Benefits & Costs as a result of implementing the solution/proposed project and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses the discount benefits and costs in order to obtain the present values.

Vaguely the discount benefits and costs in order to obtain the present values or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Discusses the discount benefits and costs in order to obtain the present values and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Discusses the discount benefits and costs in order to obtain the present values and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses which assumptions should be changed since they would have the largest impact to the NPV of the project/proposed solution.

Vaguely discusses which assumptions should be changed since they would have the largest impact to the NPV of the project/proposed solution or completely off the topic.
(0-3 points) Discusses which assumptions should be changed since they would have the largest impact to the NPV of the project/proposed solution and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.

(4 points) Discusses which assumptions should be changed since they would have the largest impact to the NPV of the project/proposed solution and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(5 points)
Discusses a recommendation of the issue and why it would work from an economic perspective.

Vaguely discusses a recommendation of the issue and why it would work from an economic perspective or completely off the topic.

(0-7 points) Discusses a recommendation of the issue and why it would work from an economic perspective and, for the most part, fulfills assignment requirements.
(8 points) Discusses a recommendation of the issue and why it would work from an economic perspective and demonstrates solid ability to accomplish the assignment.

(9-10 points)

Integrates established managerial economics principles into the discussion.

Rarely integrates established managerial economics principles into the discussion.
(0-7 points) For the most part, does a good job of integrating established managerial economics principles into the discussion.

(8 points) Consistently does a good job of integrating established managerial economics principles into the discussion.

(9-10 points)
Synthesizes relevant information and materials to provide evidence of critical thought.

Synthesizes information at a minimal level.

(0-7 points) For the most part, effectively synthesizes information, which supports main ideas.
(8 points) Consistently and effectively synthesizes information, which provides strong support to main ideas.

(9-10 points)
Uses supporting documentation that has been properly references and cited.

Inadequate or minimal use of supporting documentation or not properly referenced or cited.

(0-3 points) For the most part, uses supporting documentation that is properly referenced and cited.

(4 points) Consistently uses supporting documentation that is properly referenced and cited.

(5 points)
Considered holistically, demonstrates the ability to write at the graduate level.

Considered holistically, the student demonstrates an inadequate ability to write at the graduate level.

(0-7 points) Considered holistically, the student demonstrates an acceptable ability to write at the graduate level.

(8 points) Considered holistically, the student demonstrates a proficient ability to write at the graduate level.

(9-10 points)
SubTotal Points = Did not turn paper into
Minus 10 points
Revisions based on the originality Report. Did not revise paper based on the originality report
Minus 10 points
Total Points
Standard Format for Academic Papers

Students are expected to adhere to the following when writing an academic paper. All information listed adheres to APA 6th edition, second printing.
1.12-point serif font (Times New Roman or Courier).
3.1-inch margins at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page.
4.Running head contains brief title of paper. Follow APA format.
5.Page numbers are in the header in the top right corner.
6.Paragraphs are to be indented five to seven spaces.
7.Complete sentences, correct grammar, correct spelling, and accurate punctuation is expected.
8.Absence of typographical errors.
9.Citations within the body of the text follow APA format. Starting in fall 2010 students must use the 6th edition of APA (do not use the first printing).
10.Headings are included, as appropriate, and follow APA format.
11.Images, graphs, charts, or other types of visuals are considered to be figures in APA format and must adhere to proper APA 6th edition formatting.
The following are not included in your page count.
1.Title page which contains the assignment name, byline, professor’s name, and date.
2.Reference list starts on a new page and follows proper APA format.
3.Appendix (if appropriate) which starts on a new page.
Guidelines for APA format.

If you would like a hard copy of the Academic Paper Guidelines to use while you are writing your paper, click here to download a pdf version of the guidelines.

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