The Panel of Lions in France’s Chauvet Cave

Propose a solution to an identified problem.

Your task: Persuade your readers that a social issue matters and is workable, and that your solution is the best way to bring about a positive change.

Clearly identify what the social issue is and why it matters.
Research what solutions have already been implemented. Have they worked, or not? Why? Spend some time boning up on what proposals are now on the table to address the issue. In general, these solutions may be single or multiple, and they can include new science, task-oriented organizations or programs, groups working in the community, publications that cast more light upon the issue and its solutions, new legislation or revoking of old laws, etc. etc.
Once you’ve gotten your research done and you’re current with the contemporary and past solutions to the problem, develop your own call to action. You may propose a combination of solutions you’ve learned about, or argue that someone else’s proposal is the best solution (while giving them full credit, needless to say!), but you should be able to distill your proposal down into one concrete, focused, and clear thesis statement that is a sentence long.
Remember: your essay must establish your ethos by demonstrating that you’ve gotten a handle on your topic and are knowledgeable enough to not only grasp its essence but also to consider the range of possible solutions, some better than others. You’re not just arguing from the seat of your pants. You’ve thought this one through!

By the way, its okay to incorporate material from your Evaluation, but you can’t lean on it. Limit the results of your previous research to the description of the problem which will open your essay. It shouldn’t be more than 3/4 of a page.

The Panel of Lions in France’s Chauvet Cave. This site was only recently discovered, and these images upon the walls of this Paleolithic subterranean temple have been dated to around 33,000 years ago.

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