The loss of Native American culture

In what ways do you think the loss of Native American culture has directly or indirectly contributed to the current social issues and conditions in Native Nations (ex. diabetes, heart disease, suicide rates, and addiction)? Discuss actions Native people are taking today to reverse the effects of this cultural loss?

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Loss of Culture and Social Issues in Native Nations

The loss of Native American culture has had a profound and lasting impact on social issues and conditions within these communities. Here’s how:

Direct Impacts:

  • Traditional knowledge: Many Native cultures had holistic approaches to health and wellness, emphasizing diet, exercise, and connection to nature. Loss of these traditions contributes to a rise in diet-related diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

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  • Social support systems: Traditional communities offered strong social bonds, family structures, and spiritual practices. This loss can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and higher suicide rates.

Indirect Impacts:

  • Historical trauma: Generations of forced relocation, cultural suppression, and violence have created a legacy of historical trauma, contributing to mental health issues and substance abuse.
  • Economic marginalization: Loss of ancestral lands and traditional livelihoods has resulted in poverty and limited access to healthcare and education, further exacerbating social problems.

Reversing the Effects:

Despite these challenges, Native communities are actively working to revitalize their cultures and address these issues:

  • Cultural revitalization: Many communities are reclaiming languages, traditional practices, and ceremonies, promoting cultural identity and strengthening social bonds.
  • Indigenous knowledge in healthcare: Integrating traditional healing practices with modern medicine is improving health outcomes and promoting holistic wellness.
  • Sovereignty and self-determination: Tribal governments are focusing on economic development, education initiatives, and culturally-appropriate social programs to empower their communities.
  • Intergenerational learning: Elders are passing down knowledge and traditions to younger generations, fostering cultural continuity and resilience.


  • Language revitalization programs aim to preserve and teach endangered Native languages.
  • Community gardens promote healthy eating habits and connection to the land.
  • Traditional healers and medicine men/women are collaborating with healthcare providers.

Challenges Remain:

Reversing the negative impacts of cultural loss takes time and sustained effort. Ongoing issues like federal policies and resource limitations continue to pose challenges.


The loss of Native American culture is a complex issue with deep roots. However, the resilience and self-determination of Native communities offer hope for a future where cultural revitalization leads to a stronger and healthier future for Native Nations.


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