The Issues in Food Protection and Safety; Trends in the Food Protection; Food Protection and Safety Regulations

The Issues in Food Protection and Safety; Trends in the Food Protection; Food Protection and Safety Regulations

prepare a Plan of controlling a foodborne pathogen in a large commercial food establishment. The purpose of this assignment is to develop your ability to understand all those factors that must be considered to protect food and the public from foodborne illness in a commercial food establishment. Additionally, you will gain additional insight into how to develop a plan and how to objectively recognize the plan’s limitations.
The Session Long Project should be based on the Food Code (2009) developed by USFDA and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). The full version of the Food Code (2009) is included with this course and is found by clicking on the links found on the the CFSAN website at You may adapt certain parts of the Food Code to meet the needs of your selected foodborne pathogen for the SLP. Please review the all module SLP tasks for this course below. This will provide you with an excellent understanding of the entire SLP process.
Go to for more information on food safety.)
For Module One — Selection of the foodborne pathogen for the Session Long Project — You are to do the following:
Selection of the foodborne pathogen for the Session Long Project
? Select the foodborne pathogen which will be the subject of the control plan for a large commercial food establishment. The selected pathogen must be a pathogen that if controlled will ensure greater protection from other pathogens with a similar mode of transmission.
? Present pertinent epidemiological information on the foodborne pathogen.
? Present general information on the subject retail food establishment for which the plan for controlling the selected pathogen will be prepared for this SLP. Information should include size, number of employees, type of food served, number of meals served per day, number of meals offered (Lunch, Dinner, etc), operating hours and days opened per week. Please feel free to add any information that you consider to be important for this SLP. You can also make appropriate assumptions to support your control plan.

The Session Long Project for this course is divided into five or modules as follows:
Module 1: Selection of the foodborne pathogen for the Session Long Project
? Selection of the foodborne pathogen which will be the subject of the control plan for a large commercial food establishment. The selected pathogen must be a pathogen that if controlled will ensure greater protection from other pathogens with a similar mode of transmission.
? Present pertinent epidemiological information on the foodborne pathogen.
? Present general information on the subject retail food establishment for which the plan for controlling the selected pathogen will be prepared for this SLP. Information should include size, number of employees, type of food served, number of meals served per day, number of meals offered (Lunch, Dinner, etc), operating hours and days opened per week. Please feel free to add any information that you consider to be important for this SLP. You can also make appropriate assumptions to support your control plan.
LENGTH: 3 pages typed and double-spaced, in addition to a cover page.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
Precision: The question of the assignment is specifically addressed in the paper. The paper determines your ecological footprint based on the online quiz and analyzes ways by which you can reduce this footprint. The paper discusses the limitations of this calculator. The paper examines how the human population may reduce the size of its ecological footprint on the planet.
Clarity: The paper reads clearly. It is well structured and grammatically correct.
Breadth: The paper presents appropriate breadth covering the questions of the assignment.
Depth: The paper describes well, the concepts presented and the concepts are supported by the literature and/or illustrated with examples taken from the literature. The paper presents points that lead to deeper matters and issues.
Application: The paper shows your ability to understand the concept of an ecological footprint and apply it to examine ways by which the human population may reduce the size of its footprint on the planet.
References: A reference list is provided at the end of your paper. (Following APA guidelines for citation of references is encouraged and recommended, but not required.) At least 5 scholarly references are required. Scholarly references refer to peer reviewed journal articles, credible websites (such as government websites), published book materials and other peer-reviewed resources.
Module 2-5 SLPs
Module 2: Identifying the factors that must be controlled for your selected foodborne pathogen
? Research and discuss the factors which should be managed to effective control your selected foodborne pathogen.
? Discuss the physical and biological factors related to the pathogen which are important to control if the pathogen is to be prevented from causing foodborne illness in the food facility. Support your work with adequate research/references. Be a comprehensive as is reasonably possible and relevant to the transmission of foodborne illness in the facility.
Module 3: Selection of the key factors that must be controlled.
? Based on your work in Module Two, identify the key characteristics or physical and biological factors of the pathogen that must be controlled if the potential threat of foodborne illness is to be controlled in the facility.
? Discuss other foodborne pathogens that will also be controlled should the key characteristics of your subject pathogen be adequately controlled.
Module 4: Planning to implement management and procedural controls to eliminate or control the subject pathogen in the identified food establishment
? Discuss the level of maintenance and training that will be required to implement controls for the selected pathogen.
? Discuss the policy and procedural changes that must be implemented to control the selected pathogen.
? Discuss the role of management and supervision in maintaining management and procedural standards to control the selected pathogen. Briefly discuss the importance of leadership and work incentives to help accomplish effective control of the subject pathogen.
? Discuss how the implementation of HACCP in the facility maybe able to enhance control of the subject foodborne pathogen. Also discuss the critical control point (CCP) for the control of the pathogen in your facility.
? Discuss potential weaknesses that exist in the facility or the management of the facility that may present a challenge to management to effectively control.
Module 5: Managing the Control Plan
? Discuss how you propose to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the control plan. How do you plan to measure plan effectiveness? Which factors considered in the plan are measurable and if you set standards for control of the pathogen, are the standards measurable and sufficient to actually control the pathogen? This must be based on science at best and should equal or exceed appropriate public health regulations. (This can be a very difficult task.)
? Who will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the plan? Discuss how you propose to monitor the plan?
? How do you propose to audit the control plan to ensure that it is functioning as planned? (Keep in mind that different levels of management perform monitoring, evaluations and audits of a system.)
? How are corrective measures implemented once a standard, procedure or policy for the control plan is found to be out of compliance and in need of change?
? What is you assessment of the feasibility of a food facility actually implementing most or all of your control plan for the selected pathogen?

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