The Entrepreneurial Challenge
The Entrepreneurial Challenge
?Successful entrepreneurship is often associated with the possession of special enterprising and managerial qualities and traits. In part one, critically discuss this issue with special reference to relevant literature and the evolution of tests of entrepreneurial tendency. In part two, take the GET test, and use it to critically assess your natural potential as an entrepreneur?.
Although, I will write part2 by myself, so please just write part1 for me.
Part One:
The first part requires examining the entrepreneurship literature on enterprising and managerial qualities and traits which many researchers such as Dr Caird believe are associated with entrepreneurship success. This is controversial and not all researchers agree. Those that do believe such traits are associated with success have developed enterprise tests to try and measure and predict enterprise tendency in people. The GET test was one of the first to try and do so and remains one of the most used. There are others which you could try and identify and briefly comment upon. How have these tests evolved? The fact that it is now GET2 implies that it was improved. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these tests ion general and the GET test in particular?
Supporting information:
There are a number of enterprise tendency tests designed to establish how entrepreneurial or enterprising you are. One version that was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s was the GET test ? (General Enterprising Tendency) developed by Dr Sally Caird at Durham University.
This is displayed and fully described in the following website: https://get2test.==/test/index.htm
In preparation for the assignment:
1. Take the GET test and print out its assessment of how enterprising you are.
2. Read all sections of the website, particularly those sections that tell you the problems with this
kind of tests, how the test was developed, and how they tried to overcome these problems. Also those sections that describe the kinds of traits measured by the tests:
-need for achievement
-need for autonomy
-creative tendency
-risk taking
-locus of control
Read Testing Enterprising Tendency In Occupational Groups. Full Text Available By: Caird, Sally. British Journal of Management, Dec91, Vol. 2 Issue 4, p177, 10p, 3 charts; (AN 4526675) Full paper is available in the Library as a PDF in Business Source Premier.
So far in MED2BMS, you have focussed on researching information on diseases as well as looking at biomedical journal articles and biomedical databases. Another important skill in any science discipline is to know the key scientists and appreciate their contribution to the field of research.
Your task is to think through all the famous luminaries in the biomedical field and then produce a 1-page biography of who you think has made the most revolutionary impact on the biomedical field since 1900. The person of interest may be:
– a researcher
– a doctor
– an allied health professional
– a pure scientist
– any combination of the above, or something else!
Your task is to describe their achievements (this could include any patents and publications, which you can find using the online medical databases) and then define the significance of their work. Argue why, in your opinion, they have made a greater contribution to biomedical science that anyone else since the twentieth century. You should write in paragraph form, although a list of publications/awards/achievements can also be included. They do not need to be Australian; they could be born before 1900 but their work must have been done after this; they could be male or female; they could be living or dead. Your intention is to be a) clear, b) accurate and c) compelling while also selecting the most important information. There is no word limit, although the assignment must not exceed 1 A4 side. The purpose of this assignment is to work towards achieving the following learning outcomes:
• Demonstrate research/inquiry skills by identifying, evaluating and collating appropriate information from scientific sources (MED2BMS ILO 2)
• Developing an appreciation for the scope and workings of the biomedical profession (MED2BMS ILO 3)
There is no need for referencing, although a list of key publications by the scientist (if they exist) is essential. A guide to marking will also be posted on the LMS.
The due date is Friday 1st November (the last day of semester) at 5pm in the MED2BMS dropbox in Room 200, LIMS1. An electronic copy must also be submitted through turnitin. Often, many assignments across multiple subjects are due at the end of semester, so you do not need to wait until the last day to complete this!