The differences between the Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings

How would you describe the differences between the Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings that we have looked at so far in class? In your opinion, what accounts for this difference? Are there any similarities? Select one specific image from each culture to reference in your post. Please also include an image of each work that you choose in your post.

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Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings are two of the most well-known and well-preserved examples of ancient art. Both cultures had a strong tradition of wall painting, but their styles were quite different.

One of the most obvious differences between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings is the subject matter. Minoan wall paintings often depict scenes of nature, such as animals, plants, and landscapes. Egyptian wall paintings, on the other hand, often depict religious scenes, such as gods, goddesses, and pharaohs.

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Another difference between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings is the use of color. Minoan wall paintings are typically brightly colored, with a lot of red, yellow, and blue. Egyptian wall paintings, on the other hand, are typically more muted in color, with a lot of earth tones such as brown, green, and black.

Finally, there is also a difference between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings in terms of style. Minoan wall paintings are typically more relaxed and informal in style. Egyptian wall paintings, on the other hand, are typically more formal and stylized.

Reasons for the differences between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings

There are a number of reasons for the differences between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings. One reason is that the two cultures had different religious beliefs. The Minoans were a polytheistic culture, meaning that they believed in many different gods and goddesses. The Egyptians, on the other hand, were a monotheistic culture, meaning that they believed in one god. This difference in religious beliefs is reflected in the subject matter of their wall paintings.

Another reason for the differences between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings is that the two cultures had different climates. The Minoans lived on the island of Crete, which has a Mediterranean climate. The Egyptians, on the other hand, lived in the Nile Valley, which has a desert climate. The difference in climates is reflected in the use of color in their wall paintings. Minoan wall paintings are typically brightly colored, reflecting the bright colors of the Mediterranean landscape. Egyptian wall paintings, on the other hand, are typically more muted in color, reflecting the more subdued colors of the desert landscape.

Finally, the two cultures had different social structures. The Minoans were a relatively egalitarian society. The Egyptians, on the other hand, were a very hierarchical society. This difference in social structure is reflected in the style of their wall paintings. Minoan wall paintings are typically more relaxed and informal in style. Egyptian wall paintings, on the other hand, are typically more formal and stylized.

Similarities between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings

Despite their differences, there are also some similarities between Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings. Both cultures used the fresco technique to create their wall paintings. The fresco technique is a type of painting that is done on wet plaster. This technique allows the paint to bond with the plaster, creating a durable and long-lasting painting.

Both cultures also used a variety of colors in their wall paintings. Minoan wall paintings are typically brightly colored, while Egyptian wall paintings are typically more muted in color. However, both cultures used a wide range of colors, including red, yellow, blue, green, and brown.

Finally, both cultures used their wall paintings to decorate their palaces and temples. Minoan wall paintings were often used to decorate the walls of palaces and villas. Egyptian wall paintings were often used to decorate the walls of temples and tombs.

Specific images

Here are two examples of Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings:


The Prince of the Lilies fresco is a Minoan wall painting that was discovered at the Palace of Knossos. The painting depicts a young man standing in a field of lilies. The man is wearing a blue kilt and a white shirt. He is also wearing a necklace and a headband. The painting is brightly colored, with a lot of red, yellow, and blue. The style of the painting is relaxed and informal.


The Tomb of Nebamun fresco is an Egyptian wall painting that was discovered in the tomb of Nebamun. The painting depicts Nebamun and his wife fishing and fowling in a marsh. Nebamun is wearing a white kilt and a blue shirt. His wife is wearing a long white dress. The painting is muted in color, with a lot of earth tones such as brown, green, and black. The style of the painting is formal and stylized.


Minoan and Egyptian wall paintings are two of the most well-known and well-preserved examples of ancient art. The two styles are quite different, but they both offer valuable insights into the cultures that created them.

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