The challenges that I faced

The challenges that I faced
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I had a five deaf friends in the neighborhood when I was 10 years old. I was talking with them most of the time. With the passage of days, I learned sign language from them. After that I studied at the College of Physical Education and then after I graduated, I became a physical education teacher for the Deaf. Ten years later, I decided to study in the specialty of the deaf at the University of deaf education for four years. Then I became a teacher for the deaf in elementary school. Also during those years, I became a translator signal in the language of television and 10 years later became the Director of the Association of Deaf in Saudi Arabia. I am now a lecturer at the University of Satam in the Department of Special Education in Saudi Arabia. I have experience of more than 15 years in special education. In my opinion, I will completed a doctorate in special education and then I help my friends deaf.
• Ministry of Education, Saudi Arabia, 1999- 2009. Instructor/ administration assistant.
o Taught deaf and hard of hearing (primary, intermediate and secondary school)
• Founder and CEO of the Deaf Center, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia 1999 – Present.
• Chairman and founding member of the Saudi Hearing Impairment Association, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. 2008 – Present.
• Trainer and interpreter in sign language in many sectors and government agencies in Saudi Arabia, 1999- Present.
• Sign language interpreter at the Saudi TV and Majd TV, 2002 – Present.
• Assistant Supervisor on Deaf Studies, Arab Open University, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 2009 – 2014.
• Taught deaf at Arab Open University, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 2009 – 2014. • Member of Saudi Association for the Hearing. 2006 – Present.
• Disability sport trainer. Saudi United Club. 2001 – 2006.
• Founding member of Saudi Committee for the experts and sign language interpreters, since 2006 – Present

• Full scholarship from the government of Saudi Arabia, 2012 through conferment of Doctoral Degree
• Awarded the Second Degree of Honor from the Chancellor of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 2010
• Participation in the workshop of standardization and unification of the Arabic sign language, Qatar, 2005.
• Participation in the training session for the application of the United Arab terms indicative of the Deaf, United Arab Emirates, 2007.
• Trainer and supervisor of sign language courses locally in many Charities, Colleges, and Universities since 1999, Saudi Arabia.
• Participation sign language interpreter in several conferences and seminars:
o Translation in the Second International Forum, Morocco, 2006 and 2008.
o Translation in the Arab United of the Deaf, Tunisia, 2010.
• Participation in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Saudi Arabia, 2009.
• Participation in the forum and translation of the Arabian Gulf Disability Society, Saudi Arabia, 2004.
• Participation in the seminar and translation performance development in the field of prevention of disability, Saudi Arabia, 2005. • Participation and translation in the program to create job-seekers in the private sector in sign language, Saudi Arabia, 2007.
• Supervision of the delegation of special education, Saudi Arabia, 200 and 2005. • Participate in the translation of the IDC, Saudi Arabia, 2009.
• Participation and the translation in the Abu Dhabi International, United Arab Emirates, 2007.
• Participation in a contest of sign language at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 2008.
• Participation in the conference and translation technology in the development of sign language, Tunisia, 2009.
• Participation at the Arab dictionary of religious, Qatar, 2010.
• Participating in the symposium, translation, development of education and rehabilitation for people deaf and hard, Saudi Arabia, 2008.

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