The aspects of Chapter 4 related to the case.

Bonnie & Clyde:

Hypothetically, Bonnie & Clyde were not gunned down in a police ambush, but were arrested in the act of another bank robbery. In a 2-3 page paper, discuss the aspects of Chapter 4 and relate them to the case.



A. Who are the suspects involved? Age, Race, & Gender

B. What crimes occurred? When did the crimes occur? Where did the crimes occur?

C. Who are the victims of each incident?



A. What kind of Inchoate crime is this case? Attempt, Solicitation, Conspiracy, or

Accomplices/Accessories? Explain in depth your answer.

B. Who are the accessories before or after the fact? Why? How are they complicit in

the crime? Where is your proof?

1. Were there any preparatory acts? Discuss & explain.

C. Who is/are the accomplice(s)? Why? How are they complicit in the crime? Where

is your proof?

1. Were there any preparatory acts? Discuss & explain.



A. What are the state statutes for the crimes? Discuss the meaning of the statutes

and punishment.


Personal Perspective


If the case is awaiting trial, what do you think the charges will be in the case?

How do you think the outcome will fair out? Guilt, Not Guilty, Acquittal, or Mistrial?


In reality, do you think the killing of Bonnie & Clyde was fair? Explain your answer





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