“Terrorist Trials in the United States”
Topic: “Terrorist Trials in the United States”
Order Description
Legal Issues in Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Professor Mooney
research paper (TAKE-HOME FINAL)
Learning objectives
The purpose of this research paper (take-home final) is to give students the opportunity to delve deeper into a current events area of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Law and to develop skills in critical thinking and written communication. This paper is an individual assignment and students should not collaborate with other students on it. Each student must submit a paper that is his or her own work.
“Terrorist Trials in the United States”
Submission instructions
The deadline for submission of your paper is 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, December 12, 2015, in the course Dropbox. You may submit your paper early, but late papers are not accepted and will result in a zero grade.
Format instructions
Your attachment in the Dropbox must be in PDF format; otherwise, it will not be graded.
Your paper should be 3 – 7 pages in length, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with a 1-inch margin on all sides. Center the title in bold & underline it at the top of page 1. You should indent five spaces at the start of each new paragraph and please do not include any extra lines beyond double-spacing between paragraphs. Your paper should include headings and subheadings in bold for each of the required elements of the paper. Other text should not be bolded.
You should use endnotes (not footnotes) to cite references in your paper so that all of your cited resources are listed on one page at the end of the paper (this page does not count toward your overall paper page limits). I am not concerned that you use any particular style for the endnotes, so long as you reference the article, author, and any website if you use a source outside of the provided materials.
A 20% deduction will be imposed for failure to comply with any format instructions.
Required resources
Please read the following articles (all posted in the course website). You are not expected to do much outside research for this paper.
• “Terrorist Trial Report Card: 9/11/01 – 9/11/10” – Executive Director’s
introduction and select pages
• “The Case for Trying Terrorism Suspects in Federal Court”
• “How Should Terrorists Be Tried?”
• “Ghailani Verdict a Win for America”
• “KSM to be Tried by Military Commission at Gitmo”
Below is the outline you should follow for your paper. Remember to reference specific examples in your paper from the assigned readings.
I. Background of Terrorist Trials in the U.S.
Note to students: Use the information and summarize the key statistics you think are relevant for your paper in the Terrorist Trial Report Card for this section
II. Where Should Terrorist Suspects be Tried?
A. Briefly describe the two court systems
B. Summarize the issue and give pros and cons of each tribunal for terrorist trials
III. Conclusion
Note to students: This section should not be your opinion; it should be a short summary of this controversial topic. In the conclusion, I also want to you reference and briefly discuss one outside resource that you find on the Internet on this topic.