System Operating Management
Topic: System Operating Management
Order Description
1. Specialism Topic
Select one from the following three options and write 600 word summary topic.
Option 1: Describe the role of information system in careers in one of the following areas: Accounting /finance, Human resources, Marketing, and operation management, and explain how careers in information system have been affected by new technologies and outsourcing.
Option 2: Explain the role of human resource management in operations. The discussion should look at the strategic importance of managing people in operations settings. You can use chapter 9, entitled people; jobs and organization from Slack et al. (2014) Operations Management 7th edition as a starting point.
Option 3: For an organisation of your choice, write a 600 word short case that summarizes how they have strategically harnessed the use of operations and /or information system. You could consider using Gartner research as a starting point. Gartner are an Anglia Ruskin partner you can connect to their site from the on auto-login to Gartner website from the “link to partner sites” section. You do not have to get your case from there; any suitable source will be fine.
Question 2.
Apply relevant models to analyze the main micro-operations at Happyland Garden Center. This could include one or more theoretical modules: the input process-output model; the value chain model and business process mapping. Evaluate the problem faced by Don Dursley in managing and developing his center. (800words)
Question 3.
Complete a mind map/rich picture to identify and explore the potential people; management and technology issues at Happyland Garden Center. Analyze how to improve the operations at Happyland Garden Center considering the potential issues. (800 words)