Symbolic environment and Marshall McLuhan:

Describe and explain eloquently the following concepts and the contributions of the individuals in explaining those concepts below, answer the discussion questions in part B, and cite all sources used.

Symbolic environment:

Marshall McLuhan:



Media ecology:


Tribal Age:

Literate Age:

Print Age:

Electronic Age:

Global village:

Digital Age:

Neil Postman:

Faustian bargain:

Part B/Discussion Questions
1/Discuss Marshall McLuhan’s different characteristics of “The medium is the message” concept.
2/Discuss Marshall McLuhan’s media analysis of human history.
3/What does it feel like to be a co-cultural member—a minority member in a dominant culture? Even if you are generally a member of the dominant group, what situations have you encountered where you feel like an outsider?
4/What are the benefits and drawbacks of assimilation? Accommodation? Separation? Which approach do you tend to gravitate toward?

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