Sustainability Policy

Topic: Sustainability Policy

Order Description
You must first research the relevant state environmental legislation and list any regulations that might apply to your friend’s landscaping business. If your
particular state does not have any legal restrictions for this business types, list some government-recommended environmental strategies the business could adopt
You should then write a brief summary of these retractions/strategies and their consequences for the business.
Relevant legislation can be found on the following website:
As stated earlier, your friend wants to promote his/her business as being eco-friendly, but in uncertain of how to actually create environmentally sustainable business
practices. Without actually implementing these polices, they run the risk of ‘Green washing’ their product.
 Referring to the section on Greenwashing found below ‘Consumer Law’ you must write a brief explanation of the legal risks involved with Greenwashing.
 Using the same section ‘Consumer Law’ you must then identify and explain another way in which Green washing may harm your friend’s business.
Green washing is a term used to describe the deceptive use of green marketing (advertising oneself as environmentally friendly) to mislead customers into believing a
company’s policies or products are environmentally friendly.
This term is generally used when significantly more money or time has been spent on advertising being ‘green’ or environmentally friendly, than on actually being
environmentally friendly.
Under Section 516A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), Australian Government organizations are required to include information
about their environmental performance and contribution to ecologically sustainable development in their annual reports.
For privately owned businesses, consumers are protected by section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law which states: “a corporation shall not, in trade or commerce,
engage in conduct

EPA Victoria

Trainer Subject Resource: Sustainability Author: © Reece Thomas, 2015
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy for sustainability V1.1
that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive”. This means that businesses could not only face a public backlash for misleading customers, but
also substantiation notices, corrective advertising orders, public warning notices and, if a consumer has suffered loss or harm, the obligation to pay damages.
Implementing sustainability practices is not just good for the environment, it is good for business. While the student’s friend has already shown an interest in
sustainable work practice, students must clearly explain the overall benefits of this approach to business.
Referring to the section on sustainability practices, you must explain the financial, environmental and social benefits of sustainable work practices.
Each category of benefit should be given its own paragraph.
IAG operates in Australia and New Zealand, providing personal, compulsory third party (CTP) and commercial insurance as well as retirement solutions. IAG posted a
profit of $62m for the half year to December 2002.
IAG has embraced a sustainability action framework that focuses on creating value for the business and for society. A key business objective is to reduce the size,
frequency and ultimate cost of claims. Being more proactive in areas such as preventing workplace accidents, mitigating against climate change and promoting safer
communities can translate directly to a lower claims burden.
The insurer conducted extensive research into its sustainability “baseline” and looked at workplace safety and environmental performance, Subsequently it has developed
and implemented corporate safety and environmental targets that focus on reducing injuries and accidents, and it also cut its paper, fuel and energy use, and minimized
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
The company developed a process for measuring and evaluating their sustainable practices.
The business value created as a result of IGA’s sustainability initiative is rigorously measured and financially evaluated wherever possible. As well as providing
accountability and incentive, this allows the company to understand the long-term connections between its sustainability- related initiatives and business opportunity
and growth.
Trainer Subject Resource: Sustainability Author: © Reece Thomas, 2015

BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy for sustainability V1.1
Having considered the benefits of sustainable work practices, you must now consider how to include these strategies in your friend’s landscaping business.
For the purposes of this exercise, it is important to consider that the business will operate both on-site and in an office.
Using some of the strategies outlined as Triple Bottom Line Accounting, Ecological Foot printing and Green Office Programs-you must write an extended response that
suggests how to develop sustainable work practices, both in the office and on the job.
Questions to consider when answering might include:
 What steps can be taken to make the office environment more sustainable?
 How can the company’s ecological footprint be reduced on-site?
 Can recycled or ethically-sourced products be used when landscaping?
 How can waste be minimized?
 How can Triple Bottom Line principles be used to meet the interests of employees and customers?
1. The analysis and strategy demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of relevant sustainable theory.
2. Evidence of critical thinking in preparing the responses for the Sustainability Policy
3. The strategy is incisive and includes a concise, relevant treatment of the issues and addresses the assessment criteria.
4. The strategy critically discusses and analyses the topic, range statement, performance criteria and foundation skills of the unit descriptor
5. All sources are referenced consistently and comprehensively using the recommended referencing system as prescribed in the subject description/outline.
6. Use of language is appropriate to academic writing, the industry context, sustainable themes and the assessment criteria
7. The responses are succinctly and clearly written or presented in English
8. Overall presentation is professional including spell and grammar checked judicious use of headings, font size, layout etc.
Trainer Subject Resource: Sustainability
Author: © Reece Thomas, 2015

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