Sunny” Movie Analysis – PIE paragraphs
Topic: “Sunny” Movie Analysis – PIE paragraphs
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Follow the link and read pages 142-159. O’Donnell, Victoria. Television Criticism 1st ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publication, 2007. PDF file.
Then, watch the movie “Sunny” (2011) directed by Kang Hyeong-cheol.
Apply O’Donnell’s main concepts (Intentionality, Symbols, Film Production Codes & Hegemony) to the appropriate P.I.E. paragraphs analyzing the movie.
Write 5 “perfect” P.I.E. (Point, Information, Explanation) paragraphs:
Perfect P.I.E. 1: Describe the rhetorical situation of the film (not the story).
Perfect P.I.E. 2: Describe the rhetorical purpose of the film. Use evidence from the film.
Perfect P.I.E. 3: Explain one of the main messages of the film. Use evidence from the film.
Perfect P.I.E. 4: Explain how the film uses symbols to portray cultural values.
Perfect P.I.E. 5: Explain how the film uses codes of production to portray one of the main messages.
** Extra Credit: Explain how the film is hegemonic and counter hegemonic.