Steps of the design cycle

Question 1

List each of the steps of the design cycle as we have discussed in class and describe each step in your own words.

Question 2

Why are requirements necessary and what are the some of sources for requirement generation?

Question 3

What are the major benefits of conducting a market survey? List at least three benefits and justify.

Question 4

Define prototyping. What are the advantages of rapid prototyping over traditional prototyping?

Question 5

What is FMEA and why is useful for engineers? List at least 5 benefits of FMEA and describe any 2 in detail.please answer the questions below. The answers should be submitted in the form of a word or pdf document in this assignment. Please clearly label each answer. Each question is worth 20 points.

Question 1

List each of the steps of the design cycle as we have discussed in class and describe each step in

Question 2

Why are requirements necessary and what are the some of sources for requirement generation?

Question 3

What are the major benefits of conducting a market survey? List at least three benefits and justify.

Question 4

Define prototyping. What are the advantages of rapid prototyping over traditional prototyping?

Question 5

What is FMEA and why is useful for engineers? List at least 5 benefits of FMEA and describe any 2 in details

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