Stanford prison experiment

Watch this clip about the Stanford prison experiment and answer the following questions:

What was the researcher, Zimbardo’s question/hypothesis?
How was the experiment set up? i.e. how where the roles defined an setting set?
What was the conclusion for this experiment?

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Zimbardo’s hypothesis was that the roles of prisoner and guard would have a significant impact on the behavior of the participants in the experiment. He believed that the prisoners would become passive and submissive, while the guards would become aggressive and authoritarian.

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The experiment was set up in the basement of the psychology building at Stanford University. The participants were 24 male college students who were randomly assigned to the role of prisoner or guard. The prisoners were dressed in striped uniforms and were forced to wear identification numbers. The guards were given uniforms, whistles, and clubs.

The experiment was supposed to last for two weeks, but it was terminated after six days because the situation had become so volatile. The prisoners were becoming increasingly distressed, and the guards were becoming increasingly sadistic.

What was the conclusion for this experiment?

The conclusion of the Stanford Prison Experiment was that the roles of prisoner and guard can have a profound impact on human behavior. The experiment showed that even ordinary people can be transformed into cruel and abusive figures when placed in positions of power.

The experiment has been criticized for its ethical implications, but it remains one of the most famous and influential psychological experiments of all time. It has been cited in numerous studies on the psychology of obedience, authority, and conformity.

Here are some additional details about the experiment:

  • The prisoners were not allowed to talk to each other or to have any personal possessions.
  • The guards were instructed to maintain law and order and to prevent the prisoners from escaping.
  • The experiment was monitored by a team of researchers, but they did not intervene to stop the abuse of the prisoners.

The experiment was terminated after six days when it became clear that the situation was out of control. The prisoners were showing signs of psychological distress, and the guards were becoming increasingly aggressive.

The Stanford Prison Experiment has been criticized for its ethical implications. Some people argue that it was unethical to subject the participants to such a stressful and abusive situation. Others argue that the experiment was necessary to gain insights into the psychology of power and authority.

Despite the ethical concerns, the Stanford Prison Experiment remains one of the most famous and influential psychological experiments of all time. It has been cited in numerous studies on the psychology of obedience, authority, and conformity. The experiment has also been the subject of numerous books and movies.

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