Sqlda database

Using the sqlda database, create and execute the queries described in the book. Submit a Word document with screenshots from pgadmin4 or any other sql client you might prefer. Comment your images with a sentence or so of description in your own words of what you are doing. Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results.

Using the sqlda database, execute the query provided in the book. Pay attention to where single and double quotes are used. Submit a screenshot from pgadmin4 (or any other SQL client that might prefer). Comment your images with a sentence or so of description in your own words of what you are doing. Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results.

Create the countries table using the sqlda database.
Alter the products table to add a column called weight. Give it an int datatype.

find the cost of your paper

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