Sociology of Technology and Work – Essay Information
Sociology of Technology and Work – Essay Information
Select two of the following theories:
– Technological determinism
– Social shaping of technology
– Social construction of technology
Compare and contrast these theories, using one or twotechnological artefact to develop your analysis. Include at least one case from another attachments.
Word count: 2000 words +/- 10% (excludes references). You will be penalized if your essay is outside this range.
Evidence: Minimum 10 peer-reviewed sociological sources ie books and journal articles. NOTE: Wikipedia is not an academic source. You can use your textbook and other tutorial readings as starting points and to help you locate other relevant sociological sources.
Referencing: Chicago in text citations
The research essay is intended to help you develop your ability to do in-depth research on a single topic, to communicate coherently, and to develop a convincing sociological argument supported by relevant evidence and analysis. In this essay, we want you to demonstrate a detailed understanding of the two theories you choose, and an ability to use these theories to examine a technological artifact.
1.) Introductions – should set out the three Cs (Contexts, Concepts and Content – this includes a statement of your argument)
2.) Paragraphing – 1 point per para, topic sentence, evidence to support your point/claim, link to argument
3.) Evidence – do not let your opinion give way to a strong argument
A good sociology essay is not a statement of your opinion; it is an engagement with and analysis of the sociological literature in a way that advances understanding of social phenomena. Your essay should synthesise conceptual/theory research and the most up-to-date and relevant empirical evidence on the topic. The introduction to your essay must state your argument and provide a roadmap to the essay. The conclusion should provide a summary of the argument, and a recap of the evidence expected to compel the reader’s agreement.