Social Media Analytics
Social Media Analytics
400 maximum
Materials needed:
-Sample analytics printouts
-access to social online
In the era of big-data, being able to access, articulate and utilise analytics is an important tool for a communication graduate. This exercise will give you time to become familiar with and reflect on some key metrics in the social media and digital communication space. Note: You are only giving brief responses of one word/number to a few sentences unless otherwise specified.
1. Interpreting analytics (12 points)
A set of reports from social media sites and Google Analytics has been placed in the task folder for you to work with – for “Nicole Matejic”. Nicole did our guest lecture in week 5, so you can refer to her comments.
a. Social media analytics (6 points)
– Twitter: on which day did Nicole Matejic receive the highest number of impressions over the 31 days reported? Which piece of content was responsible for much of this result? How would you describe the primary audience for Nicole Matejic on Twitter?
-Facebook: on which day did Nicole have the greatest reach over the 31 days reported? Did paid or organic reach get the most impressions, and how much did she spend on paid promotion? How would you describe the primary audience for Nicole on Facebook?
-LinkedIn: On which day did Nicole have the greatest reach over the 31 days reported? Is organic or paid content more consistent for Nicole’s reach on LinkedIn? Which metric was most boosted by paid promotion on LinkedIn?
b. Google Analytics for website (6 points)
-Overview: what two statistics from the Audience Overview page stand out to you, and briefly describe (one sentence) why that statistic could be important for Nicole as a communication client.
-Users: How would you describe the primary audience for Nicole’s website? Draw on the demographics, interest and channel data to write a paragraph description.
2. Sentiment analysis (8 points).
Practice sentiment analysis using a simple online tool (social and describe the resulting output. You may choose an issue or company of your choice to analyse. Please save your output as pdf or screen capture and submit it as an appendix to your written component.
a. Go to and set the parameters as past week, from all types of sources, and language to English. Enter in the issue or company you are interested in following and search. Note: if your results feed doesn’t have at least 10 results, then perhaps try a different issue/company or change the search parameters to the last month.
b. Save the output to include as an appendix to your written assignment.
c. Briefly describe the following about your results in the written assignment.
– Scores for strength, sentiment, passion and reach, with one sentence each about what that means for the current social media presence of the issue/company you searched.
-Top keywords and top hashtags. Why might these be different? (i.e. what different roles do hashtags and keywords play?)
-Number of unique authors, top users and sources. Where has the majority of the information come from? Are there one or two primary sources of current mentions about the issue/topic?