Social Disorganization Theory

Social Disorganization Theory

to improve their skills at reading, summarizing, and presenting information from scholarly sources that examine social disorganization theory

It should be about 2 pages, double spaced, with times new roman font and one inch margins.

Writing Assignment #2                                Criminology
Social Disorganization Theory

The overarching goals of the assignment are to get students to improve their skills at reading, summarizing, and presenting information from scholarly sources that examine social disorganization theory

It should be about 2 pages, double spaced, with times new roman font and one inch margins.

Using the UNI electronic library, students should obtain two scholarly journal articles related to social disorganization theory.  Students should provide a full reference to each article and then a 2 paragraph summary of the article.

When summarizing the article, students should answer the following questions:
1) What has prior research found in this area? How does this study advance the field of study?
2) What research methodology did the study use?  What type of design? How many cases were included? What were some measures that they used?
3) What did the study find and what are the implications?  You do not need to be specific about the findings (i.e. report the specific statistics), but instead look at what the general findings were.  Given the findings, what does this imply?

Point Breakdown
Quality of the article, 2 points: peer reviewed scholarly articles will get full credit, non-peer reviewed articles will get fewer points, online garbage like Wikipedia will get no points.
Content, 8 points: how well the students summarized the key points of the article and answered the above questions.
Grammar and Flow, 2 points: lack of typos and ease of understanding.

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