Short description (25 words) of macro/ micro trend with 5-8 images that visually define the trend
Topic: Short description (25 words) of macro/ micro trend with 5-8 images that visually define the trend
Order Description
wearable technology.
Short description (25 words) of macro/ micro trend with 5-8 images that visually define the trend
excellent understanding about the macro/ micro trend. Verbal description succinct (not more than 25 words) and can accurately convey the desired message. Use at least 8 relevant images that are appropriate and relevant to give a clear visual definition of trend. Evidence of excellent research including visual research through effective use of Pinterest.
1. Main trend :wearable technology.
2. Also can refer to:quantified-self
Monitor eg:
? Heart rate
? Blood pressure
? Body temperature
? Calories use