Set of six knowledge-level objectives for a unit for grades 6–8
Develop a set of six knowledge-level objectives for a unit for grades 6–8. Then, develop six objectives at a higher level (that is, NOT knowledge level) for grades 9–12. Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy for cue words to include. Also, generate a rationale for using objectives and explain how they enhance the teaching/learning experience. Justify your response by using at least one current, educational resource.
Sample Answer
Knowledge-Level Objectives (Grades 6-8):
Topic: The Solar System
- Define: Students will be able to define key vocabulary terms related to the solar system, such as planet, dwarf planet, moon, asteroid, comet, and orbit. (Key word: Define)
- List: Students will be able to list the eight planets in our solar system in their correct order from the sun. (Key word: List)
- Identify: Students will be able to identify the unique characteristics of each planet, such as its size, composition, and presence of moons. (Key word: Identify)
- Describe: Students will be able to describe the different types of objects found in the solar system, such as asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets. (Key word: Describe)