Service Marketing B
Service Marketing B
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Assignment 2 part B
this is assignment is Part B and it following for Part A. I will upload part A and you have to read it all and part A is full related to part B and please read it so you can know which service provider Gap is weak which will be addressed in Part B. Also, I upload excel sheet where grade put and you have to look at file.
your task in part B is to write about weak area or identify service provider Gap. you don’t have to look at all weak area of the business but you may choose 1 or 2 gaps and make you discussion.
In addition,
Use service mapping/blueprinting to visualise the service process and highlight how the identified provider gap impacts on the customer experience. Your map could be informed by you and/or your partner actually experiencing the service gap. Else undertake appropriate research to better understand these gaps and document the research process and key findings. Your map should indicate the different interactions within every ‘touchpoint’ you had during this process. Remember that such interactions occur in service systems, which include:
• physical and/or virtual evidences
• employees
• fellow customers
Based on your service map describe at least one (1) aspect/touchpoint/interaction you think is particularly important to be improved and justify why you think so. Your decision needs to be evidence-based, which means that you need to refer to appropriate service marketing concepts.
I will upload all slides soyou have a look and check that You might particularly incorporate the following concepts into your analysis:
• the specification of customer-defined service standards (Topic 5).
• the elements of the service offering including the servicescape and the roles of employees and customers (Topics 6 & 7).
• the alignment of background with front-line processes as well as the sequence of the service process (Topics 6 & 7).
• quality management and building customer relationships (Topics 4 & 9).
• capacity and demand issues (Topic 8).
• service culture and leadership (Topic 10).
Based on your critical analysis, make detailed recommendations. Finally, visualise your recommendations in a revised service map.
Below is structure of the assignment part B: and please put headings for each points and sub headings.
1. Executive summary
2. Visualisation of existing service process including identified provider gap
3. Evaluation of ‘touchpoints’ including interactions with physical and/or virtual evidences, employees, and fellow customers.
4. Justification of particular service area to be improved.
5. Recommendations for service design or new service development.
6. Visualisation of existing service processes including the recommendations
7. References
8. Joint reflections (see page 3 of this document for more details)