Service Audit

Topic: Service Audit
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studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing. I am taking Services Marketing subject. I had uploaded my assessment instructions in the attached files. The first file is the task description and the second file is the Service Audit assessment criteria and marketing Scheme. My lecturer will be mark base on the assessment criteria this is how they give the marks and also how they mark our paper. So the assessment criteria are very important.

So I have been chosen DOME cafe as my service audit firm. But I didn’t mention which DOME cafe I will talk about, so you can choose any DOME cafe to write. Have to choose one branch to write the service audit, any DOME cafe in Australia. I’ve lived in Tasmania, Hobart. And Hobart got two branches, one is at Sandy bay road and the other one is at Elizabeth Mall. I will paste the DOME cafe website and there got list out the DOME in Australia. Have you heard before DOME cafe? I got one example of the SERVICE AUDIT is also a DOME cafe is at Hobart, Sandy Bay, which is the third attached file. Have a look, please. That is the previous student wrote it but he did not get a good mark on that. Here is the website of DOME cafe.

I also did upload THREE example of the Service Audit paper, is also done by the previous student, but different service audit firm. The fourth file is the stronger sample, this sample can have a mark around 70%, is my coordinator uploaded the sample and to show us how to get a good mark on our paper. But the fifth and sixth attached file is the weak example. So you can compare their work and will know how to write a good paper for my service audit. Use the strong sample to get some idea. Hope it’s help. It’s 50% of this assessment. I really hope that I can get a good mark on this paper. Please let me know it’s not clear, I will explain it again. Thanks

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