Select One of the following brief case scenarios. For the one that you select, write one annual goal and 3 short term/benchmark objectives. Remember that objectives must be observable and measurable. Use action verbs not verbs such as understand, recognize etc. It is very hard to measure those terms.
Select One of the following brief case scenarios. For the one that you select, write one annual goal and 3 short term/benchmark objectives. Remember that objectives must be observable and measurable. Use action verbs not verbs such as understand, recognize etc. It is very hard to measure those terms.
Case 1:
Joshua is 8 years old. He has cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. His lower extremities are more affected than the upper extremities. He uses a power wheel chair to travel longer distances such as the school hallways or while in the community. In the classroom, he sits with support in a classroom chair (needs support at the hips with velcro band and a desk that allows for him to lean forward and prop his elbows for support when needed. He also uses a gait trainer to walk around the classroom and his home. He cannot independently transfer in and out of mobility devices.
Although he has a verbal, it is very difficult to understand his speech, unless you are around him alot it was difficult to figure out what he is saying. He uses some pictures to communicate by eye gaze or reaching.
He recognizes letters of the alphabe by pointingt, he recognizes his name, classmates names in print form. If you show him a printed name of a student and ask if that student is here today, he will nod his head yes or no. He recognizes by pointing to some common functional sight words such as men, women etc. He recognizes numbers to 10, coins to 1.00 and bills up to 10 dollars. Once again this is by pointing. He can match activities that occur in the morning, noon or night.
Parent/IEP team priorities:
1. Use of AAC for communication, the team has decided to implement the voice output communication app Proloque 2 on the IPAD
2. Increase his independence level to transfer in and out of adaptive motor equipment
3. Reading- increase sight word vocabulary
4. Math- tell time to the hour
Write one annual goal and 3 short term objectives
Jacob is 4 years old and in an inclusive preschool class. He has global developmental delays. He has a significant deficit in social communication and social skills. He does nor intiate communication attempts with adults or peers unless prompted. He will point or gesture to what he wants. Attempts were made to use picture exchange communication system with him but he was unsuccessful. His play skills consist of shaking, banging and mouthing objects. He will occasionally put objects in a container. He does not demonstrate the function of objects through play, such as using a comb to comb his hair or a dolls’s hair.
Parent/IEP priorities
1. Improve play skills
2. Develop a consistent communication system
Write an annual goal and 3 short term/benchmark objectives.