Schindlers List

Schindlers List
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Mid-Term Essay Checklist

Be sure your essay meets the following requirements before you turn it in.

__ APA format (1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12 font, header at .5,
proper citations and reference page) No abstract!
__ 4-5 pages of text NOT including the title page or reference page
__ Written to a general audience who has no knowledge of the film or Sanders’ article
__ Thesis statement (see A Writer’s Resource if you need help with this.)
__ All paragraphs are well supported with concrete examples from the film as well as the Sanders’ reading
__ Direct quotations are used judiciously and properly integrated in my narrative
__ Each paragraph has ONE topic and transitions to the next paragraph
__ Essay has a solid conclusion
__ Reference page is properly formatted; each paragraph that uses the sources is properly cited.
__ Proofread for grammar, punctuation, clarity and coherence

Mid-Term Essay

In a 4-6 page essay (full text pages–do not include the title page), directly apply Sanders’ “The Most Human Art: 10 reasons why we’ll always need good stories” to the movie Schindler’s List or Gandhi. You do NOT have to use all 10 reasons–but will be much admired if you can. For full credit, you must accomplish all of the following:

1. Write to a general audience who has NOT seen this movie or read Sanders’ essay–summarizing and paraphrasing properly–using APA citations. (Use direct quotation judiciously–see A Writer’s Resource for how to properly integrate direct quotations.)

2. Write a formal essay avoiding “I” and “you”–this is not a personal essay; it is an interpretive analysis. See A Writer’s Resource for details on point of view and process.

3. Provide an introduction that includes a summary of the movie’s main themes (not the plot) in your own words as well as enough information about Sanders’ essay that your reader will understand your thesis statement.

4. Include a thesis statement that makes a specific and direct connection to the Sanders’ essay overall. Please highlight your thesis statement. Remember your audience/reader has NOT read this essay. Why is this a “good story” according to Sanders’ criteria? Your essay should answer this question very specifically. Explain Sanders’ criterion in detail.

5. Support your thesis with specific examples from the film–not just general statements. Each and every paragraph should demonstrate your synthesis of these 2 sources. Do not simply summarize the plot or just summarize the article. That is NOT synthesis–that is only recall. We want synthesis and evaluation–higher order thinking.

6. Observe proper APA format for citations and reference page. See: “Misconceptions


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