Rogerian Form

Based on the option below, write an argumentative paper using one of the formatting styles (Classical Argument Form, Rogerian Form,The Toulmin Model). Use a minimum of two appropriate sources and correct APA documentation; include a References list. Include a cover page that clearly indicates the title of your paper. Length: 750-1000 (max.) words, not including cover page and references.

Option: Technology allows for remote real-time monitoring of the voyage data and bridge conversations (VDR). Some companies have even incorporated video cameras to monitor bridge activity as well. Is this technology too intrusive? Is it introducing a greater risk by undermining the professionalism of the officers and crew and treating people like employees at a fast-food restaurant, for instance, who are under constant video surveillance OR is it a positive step towards improved safety? (Note that the airline industry [led by pilot associations] has refused to have video recording equipment in the cockpit citing concerns of privacy and professionalism.)

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